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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. Japan (40) USA (60) Canada (34) England (18) North Korea (18) Sweden (25) Finland (3) Germany (45)
  2. Japan (39) USA (59) Canada (33) England (18) North Korea (19) Sweden (25) Finland (5) Germany (45)
  3. Japan (37) USA (55) Canada (32) England (18) North Korea (24) Sweden (25) Finland (8) Germany (45)
  4. Japan (36) USA (57) Canada (31) England (18) North Korea (25) Sweden (25) Finland (9) Germany (43)
  5. Japan (36) USA (54) Canada (31) England (18) North Korea (26) Sweden (25) Finland (10) Germany (44)
  6. Japan (35) USA (54) Canada (30) England (18) North Korea (28) Sweden (25) Finland (9) Germany (45)
  7. Japan (36) USA (53) Canada (30) England (18) North Korea (28) Sweden (25) Finland (9) Germany (45)
  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^ I hope so. I was looking forward to this.
  9. Japan (35) USA (47) Canada (30) England (18) North Korea (34) Sweden (25) Finland (11) Germany (44)
  10. Just tried to go to the site to check on the campaign forums on roll20... says campaign doesn't exist...whats going on???
  11. Japan (23) USA (37) Canada (30) England (18) Norway (13) North Korea (39) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (39)
  12. Japan (22) USA (28) Mexico (12) Canada (25) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (37) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (38)
  13. Oh good I have the adobe files for the handbooks and character sheets
  14. Japan (20) USA (23) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (19) North Korea (20) Sweden (20) Finland (20) Germany (21) China (18)
  15. Sounds like a plan, stan
  16. Then why don't I see you playing in the pub?
  17. Ahem, I believe THIS was the original Post...
  18. Another Great read everyone! Good Job on the Newsletter! Shout out to Candy!
  19. Cool club...are there cookies? or more trolls?
  20. If i'm not mistaken it is also based off of your rank from last season. At least you didn't do what I did. I did my very first ever set of Provisional a month before S4 ended...I got 6 out of 10 matches that had to be thrown due to Trolls who decided it was a better idea to f*ck people over and just feed or not cooperate at all. So I got Bronze III . Same thing happened to me this season. First 4 matches Same crap. Got Bronze V now.... The path to gold is a hard one indeed
  21. Takes one to know one! =P
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