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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. I've never done a fantasy before but, I'm down to give it a shot. Sign me up
  2. Holy...shit.... I NEED TOASTERS!!!!!!!!
  3. Interesting. I want to play now!
  4. I'm not EST. I'm CST however ADD ME ANYWAY!!!
  5. Best I've done in a while
  6. I like the guy in the window ;D
  7. Does the sonic screwdriver work? I got: Various clothes (including socks) A couple gift cards A Harley Davidson leather jacket Coffee 4 lbs of mixed candies A cell phone battery charging pack Cash
  8. Rifles: S&W M400 5.56mm Ruger Mini 14 .223/5.56 Handguns: Springfield xD .45 Springfield xD .40
  9. FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE SAW THIS GAME!!!! I've had my eye on this for quite some time. So I will be right there with you! This is gonna be friggin amazing.
  10. Happy Birthday!!! Should I hire strippers?
  11. That was pretty good, still laughing too.
  12. Racing...unless its something where I cant give a fu*k like Burnout. Not interested... sorry :c
  13. Its Star Wars. It will be epic either way. question is...just HOW epic?
  14. First Name: David Last Name:LaGesse In-game name:Goose Steam ID (ex. STEAM_0:1:298):STEAM_0:0:24009568 Date of Birth:11-14-1988 Location:Tennessee Do you have a working mic?:Yes Do you have Ventrilo?:Yes _______________________ Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders?:Love the community, realism, and DoD. Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who?: SSGT Booher (I think that is how you spell his name :/) How are you today?: Alive and well This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful?: Define online skills... Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful?: Yes, I am in the military and have one deployment under my belt ________________ Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it?: Yes. About a year ago I was in the 6th Rangers Battalion Ranks held within that unit: Pvt. or Pfc and had passed two MOS Classes MG and Assault Reason for leaving that unit: I'll admit it. I went and got an Xbox 360 and spent more time on it. So I requested to leave on good terms. _______________________ Parting Comments: Rosebud By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully. Signed, David LaGesse I been in for 1 year, and I totally forgot about it yesterday. So I figured I post it anyway!!! I cant believe its already been a year. Time flew by pretty damn fast. I remember being impatient about wanting to do Rifle MOS and then move on to a different MOS, but couldn't because it was the Holidays. Thus none of the MOS were going on...matter of a fact almost nothing was going on except for a Realism against the 3te PGD. Been through a bunch with you guys(and gals). There have been plenty of realisms, many a Cannon Dominated (and vice versa), and I just want you all to know: Rosebud, bitches. Rosebud. LMAO P.S. I dont think Capt. Johnson (Then CWO) Ever got that new mic...
  15. Great job everyone! Another great read! Thank you fellow war correspondents, The Editors, MSgt. Candy for the hard work on the layout, and WO. Quarterman (son of Halfman) For all the work on bringing us all together!
  16. Happy Belated Birthday!
  17. Damn, at least you weren't there. That right there is some crazy shit.
  18. Trollololollooollolll
  19. w00t w00t! Here is to 2 more! ;D
  20. Thank yous everyone. *does birthday dance*
  21. Thank you everyone! Thank you as well, all past and present veterans! This country would not be here if it wasn't for everyone who signed up and served! Again a big thank you!
  22. Looks amazing. I'd like to get my hands on it
  23. That is 11 min of my life I will never get back...
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