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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. VR...a very expensive hobby...nevertheless THAT WAS THE F*CKIN SH*T!!!!!! I cannot wait till VR becomes more...hmmm mainstream? Cheaper? ehhh anyways I cant wait until our Tech is advanced enough to where we can do a full dive. THAT would be the day I go bankrupt
  3. +1
  4. You know why you hear negative things? its because they are a bunch of P.O.Gs. I'll admit it. Us infantrymen have a pride that others simply don't have, and cannot understand. In turn we are assholes(mostly) and flaunt that pride.(Proud of it too) Point system. IS F***ING stupid. While it does show the the soldier is showing initiative by getting as many points as possible. It DOES NOT reflect the leadership skills that he has. For example: We have (had) a Sgt. in my company who had a sh*tstorm of points (college gives a lot of points) but was an absolute terrible leader he got promoted over a guy that was MUCH MUCH more deserving. but didn't have the points to get it before the other. That was 4 years ago. Now that same Sgt. is in jail. For murder. Hacked up his sugar momma (she was in her 40s while he was in his mid 20s) with a machete. Oh and fyi its only harder to get promoted because there aren't as many spots. NOT because it takes more points.
  5. I don't see Infantry....nothing to see here...move along...move along Also 101st isn't Airborne....it is an air assault unit.(big difference... and you would do well to remember that.) Airborne would be 82nd On a more serious note. Speaking as a mechanized infantryman.( we use Bradleys just like cav scouts do) Its a love hate relationship with that vehicle. I am a gunner and getting to shoot that 25mm is friggin awesome. Driving it is fun too. However. Its a bitch to maintain and the wait. OH GOD THE WAITING. Medics: Best friends of the infantry. Dont go MP EOD...is nothing like the movies
  6. I did and I didnt have enough tables to flip over >_<
  7. And you just ratted him out to the world lmao
  8. lol Would you like some suggestions? You will find plenty in here
  9. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? That will be interesting to see
  10. Happy birthday Capt. Hall! Hands out a donut. Happy birthday 1stSgt. Brown!
  11. You're a sick fuck Candy +1
  12. lmao. this was great
  13. BUMP BITCHES!!!! So I have also recently fell in love with another anime that i didnt see till about a couple weeks ago. Tokyo Ghoul. By far the best this season. Maybe even this year. I've read alot of comments and such it starts out a bit slow, really emo, and the protagonist is a pansy. However after a few episodes things.. just <SPOILER> I'd tell yall but you gotta watch it yourself
  15. Happy happy birthday! From all of us to you! I gotta go pee pee How about you!?
  16. Do you have any programs running in the background?
  17. Indeed...I cannot stop...I wan it tat weh lmao
  18. There IS a party system....
  19. IKR? So many updates too... lol In game name?
  20. BUMP! Live again, thread LIVE!!!! So I decided to start playing ESO again after a couple months...(only because I just found out im still getting charged an estimated $15) Still downloading the updates lol. For those of you who play FUCKING TELL ME SO WE CAN HOOK UP!
  21. bump? xD
  22. I liked it. Seems to me he is starting to get up there in age now though.
  23. Great job you guys! Always a great read!
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