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K. Lloyd

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About K. Lloyd

  • Birthday 10/29/1984

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  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Carbine

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Forum Devotee (27/91)



  1. Name: Bo Peep Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:5422004 Duration of Ban: 2 Days Reasons for the Ban: TKING in SPAWN BEING OFFENSIVE TO MRB MEMBERS Demo Provided?: N Comments: Another 2 day chill out ban recommended....equested to stop....did not cease gittish behaviour
  2. Name: Gannondorf Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:26771114 Duration of Ban: 2 Day Reasons for the Ban: TK in spawn (shovel, rocket,rifle etc ) Demo Provided?: N Comments: Noone around to service the kick/ban but griefing team Also Link said that pig faced git stole his tri force
  3. Name: jack l'eventreur Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:5167805 Duration of Ban: 2 days Reasons for the Ban: TKIN in spawn. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Was playing quite happily on server until Avalanche then went nuts in spawn and murdered 50% of his team. Just a temp ban until he calms down
  4. Name: GG King Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:8105959 Duration of Ban: Suggest Perm or at least 2 weeks to prevent them coming back to the server for a while Reasons for the Ban: TK, Disrespecting MRB Members and Language Demo Provided?: N... was too busy trying to calm the situation down and prevent revenge tkin Comments: Repeated requests to stop tking, blew squad up with nades and rockets and pistols upon respawn. Joined the sever under several aliases in order to continue to disrupt the server in any way he/she could.
  5. i just dream of halflife 3... then i might buy one
  6. Nothing wrong with spiced ham
  7. Yeah shove off already Candy
  8. Cheers Willow :)

    Might be back after my house move see how the lie of the land is :)

  9. we need to do more of this!
  10. god bless ameriderp
  11. K. Lloyd


    yeah definitely. only got to wait another month or so for my new license.
  12. very nice work. i liked the quick redeploy near the end that confused the crap out of the team trying to flank you
  13. I still love the fact that the Americans use lag armour as an excuse...when you ping faster on the server and get the drop on us Euros 9/10 times. If all else fails Canon grab a copy of Assassins Creed Unity and nostalgia
  14. K. Lloyd


    Beginning the lengthy lengthy process soon as I've seen/tried an amazing Enfield. Had about 100 rounds through it and only snatched my first shot. Until that clears looking to get a decent carbine air rifle
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