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K. Lloyd

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Everything posted by K. Lloyd

  1. Name:El_morciya Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:79497107 Duration of Ban:Temp Reasons for the Ban:Purposefully shovelling team mates in spawn tk/tw Demo Provided?: N Comments:Have a screen shot of his negative 6 score after repeat requests for him to cease/breaking server rules/griefing
  2. Yet you still looked.... What were you hoping for?
  3. Incedentally there is an online petition on the US governments website that is only 3000 signatures short of it's goal to have his green card revoked
  4. I got sick of them Don't worry buddy the smell will wash off eventually
  5. To be fair I think it'd be pretty hard to follow any instruction of an SNCO if they went full on Goodfellas. I might just be laughing thinking about this guy
  6. Canada eh?
  7. For services to Honesty and Common Sense
  8. haha he did say it on vent when I was on briefly lol
  9. Obviously not a member of the photography club. I blew the picture up of just me as you dont wana see 30 other blokes
  10. i'd like to point out that this man should be my cool uncle.
  11. Me in my Army Days And this is more like what I do with my time now
  12. I will sing for you when you beg me... and you will beg me....
  13. no wonder he couldn't sit still in Rocket MOS.. so much blood!
  14. Vindaloo....?!
  15. I saw on Goth on a beach once....
  16. i love the fact that she tries to excuse herself and blame everyone else for thinking it. Christianity in a nutshell.
  17. I remember when mine came through the post... Was actually a little bit gutted lol
  18. I hope he cracks on with the book as they are rapidly catching up TV/book wise :/
  19. Happy birthday
  20. Ass and titties... Best way to get plays on a YouTube video
  21. Im pretty sure if there had been a back story it might not get much better
  22. hahahaa
  23. Name: NaTrO Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:71038622 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban:Repeated TKin spawn area after several warnings Demo Provided?:N (can screen shot) Comments:
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