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K. Lloyd

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Everything posted by K. Lloyd

  1. Good luck mate I've gotta move in a month or so and I feel your pain
  2. More on this part
  3. K. Lloyd

    M1 Porn

    I'm pretty sure I could Photoshop Yams picture so there is a busty pinup firing it instead?
  4. Happy birthday.
  5. K. Lloyd

    M1 Porn

    Looks like the rifle class is using the rarer production wise of the two rifles. Am I right in thinking it used to have the foldable para stock in DoD originally? Anyway enjoy your M1 porn.
  6. [ borat ] Great Success [\ borat ]
  7. this is usually how it goes lol 1st MRB defeated in realism mode by small furry mammal sprays Ooo lookit
  8. I tried it but realised that teddy bear bases made me feel like a unicorn had been sick in my eyes
  9. Cats derailed the thread
  10. Does not one remember the terrible spin offs from a galaxy far far away....
  11. Assassinate Littlefinger for running off with Sansa?
  12. Theories? Jon Snow a royal bastard? The wandering dire wolf a symbol if the carnage Ayras yet to wreak? Stumpy McStumperson kills his twin after realising she is a nasty piece of work? Boob count predictions for season 4? Drink along with game of thrones hardcore mode aka finger of drink for death/sex/dwarf joke?
  13. I'm sure Cannon owns let's go to the mall on vinyl? And I'm sure he would put it on cassette for you. I'm pretty sure Walkmans were all the rage in the 90's in Canada... I don't see what the fuss is aboot as in the U.K we had CDs.
  14. http://www.movieweb.com/news/game-of-thron...trailer-is-here FYI and shameless Emilia Clarke bump (and grind in my head)
  15. Would bands that I've been in qualify? I charted in the UK back in 07
  16. Appy buffday
  17. i've actually tried to follow it this season. i've still not go a clue how the play offs work. however the highlights are entertaining
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