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K. Lloyd

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Everything posted by K. Lloyd

  1. haha too be continued...if he gets the number
  2. you know its fake right? Don't spoil the magic
  3. La'Quueefrianisha'quai'kay
  4. shared.
  5. holy shit that kick.....
  6. happy birthday man
  7. I used to love winding people up with the noob tube. Wtb DoD:S cigar chewing, shotgun wielding stereotypical southern Gunny Sarge
  8. The apartment I'm moving into has a master circuit breaker for the entire block in the airing cupboard.... I feel the need to commission your dad to build me a control station like Dr Claw from inspector gadget.
  9. Putin has already made his position clear so I doubt this is over, I see another Georgia situation erupting if the Ukraine divides as he doesn't recognise the puppet western government that has taken over in the interim.
  10. 4 girls, 1 cup, 12 laxatives and a chiwawa.... Don't think it got as much recognition as the first
  11. I'm sorry sir but Back Door Sluts 9 was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better Damn it LaGesse I was just going to mention that. Good old south park. I heard they are doing a remake with sexual harassment panda and Chef in. Games: Rust is pretty fun, Assassins Creed 2 (not 3), Batman Arkham City, Natural Selection 2 Movies: as above... But hook it up to some really powerful speakers, put it on repeat then go out for the weekend and come back to either high fives off your neighbours or death threats
  12. I don't see anything on your profile Lloyd, do you have a transcript of what he put on there? He has removed his comment. There was a picture of a tank drawn using keyboard symbols with a forgettable obnoxioys message underneath it. To be honest I thought nothing of it until I saw Wilson's post and thought that I ought to mention it.
  13. May I add that he has also posted on my Steam a Profile too.
  14. Ah it's a poor remake of a 60s show as the original was very much Cold War surrealism.... A little bit like present N Korea....
  15. Happy Birthday
  16. Appy Birthday
  17. Well it's less messy than the other time he exploded in a Marines face
  18. My Atari 2600 is in London, lost forever in my sister's house. I have given up all hope of ever getting it back. Man I feel the need to find my Sinclair Spectrum
  19. Re-enlisted to perform this in an official capacity? Walking like John Wayne before the week is out....
  20. You can say anything angrily in German and sound convincing 😄
  21. You're grammars sucked morerer
  22. yeah matey I'm working on getting back up to speed now
  23. I've sorted it with a reinstall of windows but lost a bit of data...including some work towards the next newsletter but I'll get back on it. I posted a TDR so that I can sit and get the machine running up to speed tonight which will hopefully give me a bit more time to ensure that whatever happened does not happen again. Bit gutted I missed the realisms but Im sure the Germans will be back for another drubbing at some point. Cheers for the suggestions in any event and hopefully catch you guys in game next week
  24. Yeah there wasn't masses of personal info on there and the insurance should cover it. Worst comes to worst I end up with two machines it's just the inconvenience now and forcing my hand to take a LOA :/ Just in time for the weekend eh
  25. Sadly it's not made a blind bit of difference so I may end up replacing the unit on insurance I have on it.
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