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Brault 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Brault 1st MRB

  1. Happy birthday, Sanborne! Hope it was a great one, you young pup!
  2. Congratulations, flyboy!
  3. Name: TIGHT WET VIRGIN PUSSY Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:6639468 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: No. 1stSgt. Booher was witness
  4. Name: ayy lmayonnaise Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:6639468 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing. Changed their name a few times before we could obtain ID. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: No. 1stSgt. Booher was witness
  5. Name: 0ne-Lyf-LevT Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:11325644 Reasons for the Ban: Mic spamming/Disrespect. Was screaming Islamist-extremist type comments and purposely Team-Killing. Was banned. I am requesting PERMABAN. Recommended duration of ban: PERMANENT Demo Provided?: No. TSgt. Duncan and SSgt. Thomson were witness.
  6. Happy birthday, Rune! Now you're officially old enough to join the unit!
  7. I love John's show. This episode is only one of many sad states of affairs that need closer scrutiny and outrage from those who pontificate truth (the joke that is the mainstream media today).
  8. Happy birthday, Hill! All the best to you!
  9. Happy birthday, O'Hare! Hope it's the best one yet!
  10. Congratulations, Gougeon! Time flies when you're havin fun.
  11. Name: Lapis Lazuli Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:72929242 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: No. Pfc. Lee was witness.
  12. Happy Birthday, Major Johnson! All the best and more!
  13. Congratulations, Hill! That's a nice milestone to hit. Glad you're on our side!
  14. Name: adarsh088 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:66115405 Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling in spawn. Was warned then kicked and continued. Fled before I could ban player myself. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day minimum Demo Provided?: No. Sgt. Beuting was witness
  15. Happy Birthday, Thompson! All the best to you!
  16. Lystad posted some good stuff there, before me. I'll admit, I'm not super current when it comes to music, so it's nice to get others' lists to help me out. So much good listening on this post. I will start mine by adding something that brings me back a long ways to my childhood and to my dad who loved all types of music. He was a bass player who passed his skills and love of music to his son. Herbie Hancock's Chameleon is an epic of jazz/funk off an epic album, Head Hunters (1973). Please enjoy!
  17. Happy Birthday, Scinta! Hope it's the best yet!
  18. Happy Birthday, Hansen!
  19. Happy Birthday, Branem! Hope it's the best yet!
  20. Happy Birthday, Lieutenant Colonel! All the best to you and much more!
  21. Happy Birthday, Miller! All the best to you and more!!
  22. Happy Birthday, Brenton! Hope you have a great day, eh!!
  23. Name: Abu MoBroSs Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:18389883 Duration of Ban: 1 day Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing after being warned Demo Provided?: No. Comments: SSgt. Gougeon, Pfcs. Orion, Larson and Kanganis were on the server at the time.
  24. Happy Birthday, Britton! All the best and more to you, my good man!!
  25. In the spirit of friendship, I thank you and wish you a very good Friend's Day!!
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