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Brault 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Brault 1st MRB

  1. Get to the connector!!! LOL Nice killing sprees, Barry!
  2. Happy Birthday Griswold!
  3. big time *salute*
  4. All the best to you both! Happy Birthday!
  5. Good readin'. Thanks everyone for the work
  6. Japan (21) USA (27) Mexico (19) Canada (21) Russia (13) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (18) Sweden (23) Finland (19) Germany (20) China (17)
  7. Happy Birthday, Wyatt!! All the best to ya!!
  8. Happy Birthday, Mullaney! All the best to you!
  9. Happy Birthday, Martin!! All the best to you!!
  10. Happy Birthday, Jones! Have a great one!
  11. After having played 'virtually' every game out there, I was turned on to Half-Life by my uncle who also turned me on to Action Half-Life. I downloaded Hammer and started mapping with my brother who introduced me to DoD (which I fell in love with immediately). Then Valve blew my mind by bringing it into the 21st century with Source and I haven't looked back since. Comparatively speaking, before joining the 1st, my DoD experience was random and rudderless. Very happy and proud to be a part of something so special. The sleeper has awakened!
  12. Happy Birthday Heresy!! All the best to you and more! (Especially cake, which I did not get last time)
  13. Pretty scary (but not surprising) that a country so big doesn't know what's going on in its own borders. Thumbs up to the politicians and mainstream media who do nothing to change it. Meanwhile somewhere Coke is saying "Drink Pepsi. We don't care! We sold Coke to the Allies and Fanta to the Germans! Why the f#$% would we care?"
  14. I can attest that this player was TKing. He changed his name at least once to avoid punishment (unsuccessfully).
  15. What a nice story! Thanks for sharing
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