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Konig 1st MRB

Technical Sergeant
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Everything posted by Konig 1st MRB

  1. Name: kein plan Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:518953280 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: No Comments: Pubbers alerted to potential hacker, upon spectating, player demonstrated clear aimbot, snapping left and right with MG. Banned by Wilson.
  2. Name: Don Wick Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:6085393 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Bigotry, making racist comments over voice including the n-word. Demo Provided?: No Comments:
  3. Name: dddd Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:502727468 Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: No Comments: Pubber alerted us regarding this player teamkilling in server. Player banned by McDowell. Has accrued 5 bans for teamkilling. Is also permanently banned on 6th RB servers and multiple bans accrued on 3te PGD servers. A blight on our community. http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanservers.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0%3A0%3A502727468&Submit=
  4. Name: Saku Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:14613069 Reasons for the Ban: Suspected Hacking (Walling) Recommended duration of ban: MP discretion Demo Provided?: Yes, attached This pubber was brought to our attention after multiple complaints. I am still undecided about whether or not a hack is present. @Wilson 1st MRB @Crafton 1st MRB saku.dem
  5. Name: YAEGER Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:527868183 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Blatant Aimbot Demo Provided?: No Comments: Unable to take demo, spectated him and you could tell it was a blatant aimbot. Snapping to heads all around the map, extremely unnatural movement. I've always said I'm bad at determining if someone is hacking but I had no doubt in my mind that he was using an aimbot.
  6. Name: KR/toucan796 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:210946002 Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling Recommended duration of ban: 1 Day Demo Provided?: No
  7. Name: baguette Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:220739415 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Joining on alternate accounts to circumvent previous bans, mic spamming. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Originally banned for 1 day on this account User came back onto this account to circumvent first ban, continued mic spam, banned for a week. Then user came back on with above account.
  8. Hello sacred, In order for us to make a decision on this matter, we ask that you fill out an Unban Request Form found HERE. After copying the form, you may make a new topic in our Military Police office found HERE using the title "Unban Request :: sacred". Then, paste the form and fill out all the sections. Once that is done, a member of our Military Police office will investigate and come to a decision on whether or not you should be unbanned. Thank you for taking the time to visit the 1st MRB community. Respectfully yours, 1stSgt. E. Konig
  9. You're welcome.
  10. Here's one to tide you guys over with until I can get the ones from my phone onto the computer. My last British Airways flight (my baby).
  11. Permanently banned.
  12. Banned for a week. (2nd offense)
  13. ya i play
  14. Already banned for 1 week by SgtMaj. Werner for inappropriate language. Upgraded to permanent for inappropriate display name. May be unbanned if name is changed and player posts unban request.
  15. Another reason you're lucky he doesn't live closer is because you'd be bleeding from your anus as well.
  16. who are you
  17. Banned for a week.
  18. Banned for 3 days.
  19. First offence. Banned for 1 day.
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