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Konig 1st MRB

Technical Sergeant
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Everything posted by Konig 1st MRB

  1. I don't know if it's just my eyes, but one thing that bothers me is that you can't easily tell which boards have unread posts in them anymore. The two shades of the star are too similar for me.
  2. Happy to hear that all the things that were frustrating us are being fixed!
  3. Tell me you went to La Banquise after a long night of drinking? There's no better meal than a poutine after a night of heavy drinking.
  4. Yesterday in Montreal, we went down past -40 degrees celcius, which is coincidentally the point on the chart where celcius = fahrenheit. Fucking cold, to say the least. Luckily I didn't go to work. (I work outside)
  5. Name: gpocketmega F-R Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:121359324 Duration of Ban: Permanent. Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating a 1st MRB member. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: Was banned for a week by WO. Jankovski for teamkilling, noticed while on SourceBans that player attempted to join the server under the name Capt. K. Gooderham [1st MRB].
  6. That title is a fucking mess. Either way, bonne fete. Profitez-en bien!
  7. Not sure if someone already got to this, but it's listed as a 1-day ban on SourceBans.
  8. "What do you call your soft drinks?" .......... Literally, "soft drinks".... Canada thing? Quebec thing? I have no idea. I refer to them as soft drinks.
  9. So I've been part of the unit for just over 2 years now, I think it's about time you all see my lovely face. Goin' to a job interview (I got the job) Fast forward a year Just a light snow Girlfriend and I
  10. Holy necroposting, Batman. I always loved Scooby-Doo.
  11. Name:the derpster Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:52126300 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive teamkilling. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent, requested by 1stSgt. Booher. Demo Provided?: N. *Banned him for a day, want it to be upgraded to perm.
  12. I haven't even been here this month, why am I on this list? GOD DAMNIT DOLLARMAN
  13. Was called in to pub server by Cpl. O'Hare regarding Breen and another pubber. Banned him for 1 week.
  14. Sounds like a good time to me.
  15. Name: KittyCat is here!! Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:20974394 Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling. Recommended duration of ban: 3 days. Demo Provided?: No
  16. Name: USA #1 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:51579357 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Namechanging aimbotter. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Joined with an MG, immediate headshots galore.
  17. I'm JUST getting into the sport of shooting and the hobby of firearm collecting so I don't really have a collection yet but I just recently bought a Mossberg Maverick 88 12ga as a starter shotgun. I'll also be buying, in the near future, a Glock 17 gen4 or a Glock 34 gen4, a Ruger Mark III Standard with a 6in barrel, a Beretta 92FS, and a Walther P99. My dream is to collect WWII era German firearms but many are restricted in Canada, like the Luger and the Walther P38. Maybe Quebec, being the black sheep of Canada will pass some weird law in the future allowing it! One can only hope.
  18. I think this is one of the more popular videos of stolen valor. It's cringe-worthy.
  19. Dude, Die Antwoord is the fucking best. I highly recommend their new album, it's got so many great, hilarious songs.
  20. All Lightsabers are made by their respective wielder. Soooo we've got Samual L Jackson's who would only do the movie if he got a purple light saber. Darth Maul with the first dual saber. But everyone elses looks the same as to colour and build. Only thing different it the length. This isnt knights of the old republic haha. It's the hilt that is made by the respective wielder, while the colour comes from a crystal. That's why they all look "similar", until you take a closer look.
  21. Yeah, Pfc. Hill's team won, largely due to the fact that I took over... Just kidding. It was a tight match. A rematch is definitely in order. Hill vs. Hill on the hill.
  22. Name: unloader Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:5962546 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week. Demo Provided?: No NOTE: Pretty sure I pressed 1 week in game but somehow ended up being a permanent ban.
  23. Let's not forget Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent who was murdered in a hit-and-run incident by a terrorist in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec this past week.
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