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S. Jones 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by S. Jones 1st MRB

  1. Love the video G
  2. Happy Birthday!!!
  3. Happy Birthday, Sir!
  4. Happy Birthday Lystad!
  5. Enjoyed the edition as always! Excellent job media staff!
  6. Congrats, Little!
  7. Sexy swag there! Grats man!
  8. Name: [GT] Bulletproof Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:21493035 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TK in and out of spawn after multiple warnings. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: Y/N N but Lennings was present.
  9. Took these pictures this weekend. My dad has quite a collection of different firearms and "toys". These are just a few. Top - Modified M1903 Springfield Middle - Australian 303 Bottom - 1896 Austrian bayonet Some close-ups:
  10. Excellent edition guys! As always it was brimming with juicy articles and info. Well done!
  11. Hate that it's happening the way it is but also glad (as I know you are) that it wasn't a stroke. I get migraines but I don't show signs of anything else like what you are experiencing. Get better and hopefully they may find something that will help with the condition.
  12. b]Name: Soupe a l oignon Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:27051815 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Tk's with the MG in spawn, then turned and shot me in the face when warning him. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: Y/N N
  13. Name: SMILE Steam I.D:0:0:73585046 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TK after being warned Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: Y/N N
  14. You know, I have to agree with you. The new helmet looks almost like a clone helmet but varied. Seems almost as if this style would have been the Imperial variant from the start. I play Star Wars LCG and have been collecting it since it came out at the end of 2012, and I also play Star Wars X-Wing, which is the miniature table-top ship-to-ship battles. Both of these are made by Fantasy Flight Games. I am a huge fan of Star Wars but as the games have progressed, they have slowly veered in the direction of ALL things Star Wars, from the movies (which I prefer), to the comics (didn't read but maybe one), to the novels (read one "Splinter of the Minds Eye"). It has really left a bad taste in my mouth towards the rest of the material coming out for these games because I can't really relate to it. I understand that some people would like this included and that's the reason why it has been, but it's just not for me.
  15. Just saw this. Looks pretty cool! New stormtrooper helmets
  16. Nice find, Gearhart. It's great to see this taking place because what those Marines did back then should live on forever and be an example to current Marine units of the same caliber.
  17. That's some nice shooting and an excellent video, Gearhart!
  18. While I don't know the situation, I still am glad to hear that your wife pulled through and is on the road to recovery. It does help to have friends around every corner to lend a helping hand, a listening ear, or some encouraging words. I wish you and your family a speedy recovery both health and financial! We will see you in the pub soon and glad you took a little time for a nail biting realism!
  19. Happy 3 years, sir and congrats!
  20. Installed the map packs and everything is going smoothly so far. I am having trouble loading my skins. I will get in contact with you directly Gearhart, if that's ok. The skins are evil axis and I forgot about a hi res carbine skin with the knife underneath the barrel.
  21. Most wanted Weiner Freakin awesome!
  22. Name:Barry Not included Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:63652626 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TK/TW after several warnings. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day / 1 week Demo Provided?: Y/N No but Tifro, Sgt. Lagesse and Femme were present
  23. So far everything is working fine, however I have not added my custom file back in which is just a skin change for axis and, I haven't installed the map packs again either.
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