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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Wyatt

  1. Zane Whayte...?
  2. Is that... vanilla Minecraft? You disappoint me.
  3. Wyatt

    Quote Thread

    Waiting for the round to live in a realism, Gearhart had this to share in all-chat:
  4. I got Bejweled like you suggested - now I don't need to download anything else.
  5. Moaaaaaar! MOAAAAAAAAAAAR
  6. I just picked up another hard drive, and I'm looking for ideas on PC games and movies to check out. Hit me with em'.
  7. Full Name: Zach Wyatt Age: 26 Location: Ontario, Canada Occupation: Software Engineer Favorite activity or hobby: Rugby Special talent: Drums Favorite alcoholic beverage: Molson Canadian 3 Favorite movies: 1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze 2. Blade Runner 3. FF7: Advent Children 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Megadeth 2. Iron Maiden 3. Twilightning 3 Favorite songs: 1. Megadeth - Into the Lungs of Hell 2. Iron Maiden - Rainmaker 3. Twilightning - Return to Innocence 3 Favorite foods: 1. Curry 2. Sushi 3. Pizza 3 Favorite books: 1. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card 2. Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan 3. Armor - John Steakley
  8. Yeah... fake Space Jam 2 posters have been going around for years now... y'all got trolled
  9. Well, it may be true that some of the protesters are Nazis - doesn't change the fact that the Ukrainian president has become the dictator of a police state. I'm not one to underestimate stupidity when it comes to political views, but I'm surprised so many condemn the protesters. Where is this pro-Russia, pro-dictator, anti-west stuff coming from?
  10. From what I've heard (I haven't researched either), the Ukrainian government was taking steps to join the European Union - however, Russia offered Ukraine a deal in exchange for not joining the EU, at which point the government stopped talks with the EU. I'm guessing the Ukrainian people remember what things were like in the U.S.S.R and would rather side with Europe than deal with Russia. I don't know if Ukraine has officially accepted the Russian offer yet. I'm not sure what the exact terms are, but I've heard it involves giving Ukraine two billion dollars and continued natural gas(?) trade in exchange for not joining the EU and becoming a satellite state of Russia. If they join the EU, all natural gas trade with Russia would stop. As to who started the violence, I don't know that either. I would guess the government but that's just a feeling. It seems pretty clear in the video that the fighting is one-sided in favour of the government troops. The UN/EU are considering sanctions on the Ukrainian government. Again, this is just what I've heard, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
  11. It's too bad he never competed professionally. Staged demonstrations don't impress me, and some of his more obessive fans are neurotic or outright liars. For example, they claim he was a street fighter. First of all, there's no evidence of that, second, a martial artist like Bruce Lee would (or should) never engage in street fighting, third, of course a black belt is going to win street fights. Others claim he would knock out any top MMA fighter with one punch, no matter the weight difference. Did he have discipline, will, and intelligence? Yes. Did he develop a new martial art? Yes. Was he the greatest martial artist and fighter to ever live? We will never know.
  12. Personally, I would avoid any 8-core processors. There simply aren't any applications that use that many cores. In addition, compared to Intel processors, AMD processors of similar specs have lower benchmarks and are less power efficient.
  13. Welcome back!
  14. It is doubly unfortunate that the woman was pregnant... however, I think the court made the right choice. In this case, I don't think it would be justified to keep a brain-dead woman on life support for 6 months (she was 14 weeks pregnant) for the sake of a fetus, particularly when the fetus is described as "distinctly abnormal". Not much else to say except... well, I don't have the words to express how fucked up the situation is and I wish no one had to experience it.
  15. "How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?" Anyone else find it funny that this kid tweets about school brainwashing? (context: Will Smith is a scientologist)
  16. I have two demos recorded. Unfortunately the first demo is very short as it was before the map change, and when trying to watch the second demo it crashes my hl2.exe at tick ~3000 every time. I'll post a link to a .rar file containing both demos below, hopefully the second demo will not cause problems for you. H4TE.rar Things to look for: Appear to follow people through walls with his crosshairGet multiple headshots on moving targets through smokeWhen multiple enemy targets appear on his screen, the aimbot cycles between each of their heads in a very jerky and almost instant fashionOverall very jerky instant aiming at enemies' heads including instant 180-degree spins
  17. Thanks for posting this. Assuming the data is correct (and I consider the mental floss guy fairly trustworthy), this should be required viewing for like, everyone ever.
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