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Mohan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Mohan 1st MRB last won the day on February 8 2023

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  1. Rifle MOS, does assist with learning this along with BCT covering the use and timing of rifle grenades. Outside of that, for pubbing and the common game play nature its a bit difficult at times cause pubbers rush blindly. As far as realisms go or in that nature of it, Back when we had more bodies some of the weekend practices were covering this kind of thing. am all for practicing it more, it really just about getting users comfortable with the tools and using them, also remember parts of realism practices and set-ups in the pasts being getting someone to stand at the objective and try to rifle nade to them, to check possible locations. unsure where your trying to go fully with this idea, but its something useful to practice / use
  2. Name: Io Steam I.D: U:1:862626042 Reasons for the Ban: Blatant Aimbot, Intentional Team wounding and Killing (MG in their spawn level of TKing) Recommended duration of ban: Permanently Demo Provided?: No, unfortunately my steam was all fked up, i couldnt even open it to see if someone else w/ admin was able to come.
  3. Name: NORTH ATLANTA SANTA Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:9916386 Duration of Ban: Discretionary Reasons for the Ban: Derogatory Language and disrespecting pubbers and members. Helm and Avila present, (ran this to sanborne who's internet cut out prior to him being able to handle it.) Demo Provided?: N
  4. thank you all, a few days late with a response, but hey internet on a navy ship isn't exactly glorious. can't wait to get back home and get back with the unit. happy holidays and god bless, on a bright side I'm missing the snow and cold and all that stuff.
  5. You dirty whore.

    1. Mohan 1st MRB

      Mohan 1st MRB

      I still look back on this and wonder what I did to deserve it.
      I know I had to do something lol,

  6. 2010 chevy Malibu ltz black, will be adding subs to it soon(hopefully)
  7. oh the variants of that one I have heard. any whom enjoy it brother.
  8. oh how I love running cadence, also trust me, get used to getting yelled at about cover and alignment if you join the corps, and I mean screamed at... also you'll learn to not anticipate the commands very painfully.... left right left... . . . ri.... gh...t... left right left... so far whats your favorite cadence?
  9. a marine with shitty luck.
  10. so does this mean I get to start making army jokes at you now? cause everybody knows marines > army. but welcome to the DOD Family
  11. YERR go Kansas but yeah coming from Kansas originally, that bill works for most of Kansas cause there's not that many big cities or towns out that way. Kansas didn't have a high crime rate before the bill even, hell I grew up in a house where people would knock and come in w.o even waiting for a reply. lol only time we locked our house was when there was like a small break in spree nearby and when my parents went out of town. as for big cities and more heavily populated areas, it does become a issue like hill said, who is to say someone doesn't take something the wrong way and in rage shoot someone else, or something along those lines. I am personally for CC but I still think you should have paperwork to go with it, i.e. fill out said form and turn into government office so they know who has one. possibly with a medical screening, to ensure proper mental state. that and its safer for officers if you get pulled over for speeding or something, just hand them the permit when they ask for your license and ask them how they wish to handle it.
  12. HAHA! but yeah will definitely be getting this for either console or pc when able, hopefully there's a decent co-op mode(non pvp) or story. that's what made vegas good imo was the variety of people you could run into. and their approach.
  13. i laughed way more than was socially acceptable at this, but i love how he was kept having to switch and wait for people to get out of sight before he continued.
  14. this concept is like my worst fear, a zombie that's more agile then I am.... nope all of the nope. also after a certain point of running I would have just found something to beat it with...
  15. as one of the americans in that discussion, I must say again what I said then its all what you grow up around. if you look at the older generations that have seen war they aren't freaking out as much cause they've seen real war, they know the actions that lead to it. (Not saying IF or EF aren't real wars) but the thing is now you can't be sure what's propaganda and what's just civilians blowing out of proportion. I have to agree that the chances of Russia starting a war are slim, unless instigated to that point, we're more likely to go back to Iraq or fight North Korea before we fight the Russians, To respond to a earlier point as well on the NATO joining to defend or attack, the U.S has done that for our current conflicts in the middle east when we were hit on sept. 11 but again NATO is a lot of talk with no real willpower behind it because no one nation wants to foot the bill for starting a war over something. the way I see it as we wont go to war with Russia unless: A, a asset that is deemed "needed" by our government is withheld from us. B, they do something that our public has an outrage about(attacking another nation.) or C, a Direct attack on America.
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