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M. Martin

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  1. Sadly i heard some people calling me "hardcore" because I was adjusting my rates lol. Adjusting you're rates hasn't been hardcore since people wore British Knights and I haven't seen those since 98. I can't take back my exp with these games, and I'm sorry if I come off as a d-bag. I just want to help..
  2. I figured out i just have to adjust them before i join the game. I was getting pissed because my lerp was staying at 100. I'm using rate: 30000 cl_cmdrate: server adjusted cl_updaterate: server adjusted cl_interp 0 cl_interp_ratio 0 fps_max 104. It seems to be working very well now my reg is just where I want it.
  3. Hey guys. I was just wondering if every server on dod:s locks rates or is it just the MRB pub?
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