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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. The contest has come to an end. Well done to all the contestants (with the exception of Zahl) everyone did an outstanding job. A special thanks goes out to all of you who put a lot of time and effort into your banners. It really showed in the numbers as it was almost a 3-way tie. Again, thanks to everyone who participated.
  2. ESTJ = Supervisor Supervisor Guardians are civic-minded individuals who dedicate themselves to maintaining the institutions behind a smooth-running society. They often rise to positions of leadership in service organizations and in their careers, defending the values of the groups to which they belong. Supervisors are strong believers in rules and procedures, and they prefer tried methods to experimental ones. With their outgoing nature, Supervisors are quick to communicate their opinions and expectations to others. They are hard-working, and they take their obligations seriously. Faithful friends and loyal spouses, Supervisors are adroit in social situations. They enjoy rituals such as weddings and holiday observances. While they may seem somewhat formal, they are frank and forthright, showing themselves for what they are. Cool little test. I think I remember doing this test in school, but i can't remember what is was then. George Washington and Vince Lombardi were Supervisors too, awesome!
  3. There are 2 spots left so yea join up
  4. Nice looking beer pong table and glory hole tables. I was considering doing a table full of beer caps with the Toronto Maple Leafs logo after I saw one made on youtube for the Wisconsin Badgers. I was going to use only epoxy for the piece, but the grout was a nice touch. Nice work!
  5. You should burn your copy of TF2 as soon as possible. I HATE THAT GAME! Seriously how many updates do they need for hats? Sorry for the random bash, my hatred for the game comes from fixing DoD:S everytime they update TF2.
  6. That chick just invented a new position.
  7. Good stuff Kaba!
  8. Yea we need to perma ban Elf for hacks. Nice vid and a great intro
  9. Baker this is American football, not soccer. Just to clarify in case you were thinking it was the other type of football.
  10. 3 spots are still left.
  11. I was thinking about combining Friday Night Fight Night and Gun Game Night. We could have the best of both worlds by using the gun game mod and playing on custom maps. It'll be the first time we combine the two and I gotta say I kinda like the idea already. I was planning on having this take place in the pub server instead of the private so that we could keep it interesting the entire night and have new people come and go as they please. What do you guys think?
  12. Happy Birthday old man, hope you have a good one!
  13. Hellz yea looks like a lot of fun!
  14. Pretty damn cool.
  15. Elder seriously stop with the constant kiss ass approach. Don't belittle others hard work, I'm pretty sure mine don't even compare to Goodwin's or Wingate's. Awesome job guys! Let's get a vote started...do eettt!
  16. Antonio R. Damasio has some really great reads for those interested in psychology. Descartes' Error is one of my favorites. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Nino Ricci's Lives of the Saints, In a Glass House, The Origin of Species, anything by this man is a great read. Lisa Genova - Still Alice
  17. Mike and Kevin Swartz competing for a girl's attention:
  18. I made the league join it by going to ESPN.com and creating an account (if you don't have one already). League name: Devil Dogs Password: 1stmrb
  19. Join up it's fun!
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