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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Youtube decided to finally enable the sound again so it's back on youtube!
  2. Goodwin I think you just found your new spray and signature.
  3. FUCK TF2!!! Everybleepingtime they have an update it destroys our servers and I'm stuck fixing it. The last big update messed up all the CS and DoDS servers because TF2 fixed a bug with a hat... I bought the game. Played it. Moved on.
  4. Oh btw I just realized this, this was the 1 year edition of the newsletter. Congrats media staff!
  5. creepy....
  6. Hey guys, The media staff is looking for volunteers to spice up the newsletter. If you have any new ideas for an entertaining article that people would enjoy or just want to help out the newsletter let me know. For example, an article on recent world events, politics, BAR news & events, movies, books, porn...oh wait how did that get in there? You get the idea and this staff position includes BAR and 1st MRB members. It's a job that requires your attention only once a month and you'll always get credited for your work. Currently our staff is getting a little overworked with the recent departures of some staff members so the help will be welcomed without hesitation. We won't stop pumping out these newsletters until you guys tell us to stop. Cheers!
  7. Engle could use one.
  8. *MISTAKE* The realism did not take place in Santos, it was in Forza. Many apologies from the media staff for that slight mistake. On the other hand, Legend's conversation with Magoo is not a mistake. He really is that frustrating to interview
  9. I speak French, Italian, and German very well. I know my way around Spanish and Latin.
  10. Happy Birthday Frantz! Have a good one bud.
  11. Unban request denied. You had plenty of chances in the past.
  12. Too soon Hastings.....too soon.
  13. Update - rocketdude88's ban has been reduced to one week.
  14. Perma banned. Game over. Next case.
  15. Hmmm well there's this: Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C.
  16. Who is the unit reh-tard of the month?
  17. Happy Father's Day to all the dads in the 1st MRB community!
  18. You don't know the Russian attack strat? Give one rifle to 5 guys and once the first guy with the rifle dies the next in line picks it up!
  19. It had to be done, it was priceless.
  20. I uploaded the video on youtube but they decided to disable the audio. Here's a download link: 1st MRB BCT Class 166 I hope you get a laugh out of it!
  21. What's up Pharis, how are you these days? Man it's been too long, what are you up to these days?
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