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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Sweet vid
  2. Happy Bday McCarthy!
  3. It also made an appearance in our Veteran's Day ceremony last year.
  4. It was moved to 8 est
  5. Our annual Beers at the BAR night will be held on June 10th starting at 9pm EST. It'll be in the private server for all 1st MRB and BAR members. Cheers!
  6. Happy Bday Bunt!
  8. Well fuck you eh
  9. My new favorite song
  10. THE BEST GAME EVER.. I wish it was longer!
  11. Happy Birthday Kevin and Mike!!! Kevin don't get too drunk and Mike try to get drunk! Here's a matching pair for you guys:
  12. Happy Birthday bud, have a good one!
  13. The only Canadian team I want to bring the Cup back to Canada is Toronto. I hate the Bruins with a passion heck they've been rivals since the original six but my Canadian side wants all the glory to go to Toronto.
  14. You've never seen Winnipeg as in you've never been there or you've never seen the Winnipeg Jets play?
  15. And thats why no one likes Hastings
  16. Do you guys use your 'alt' key for anything? If so, it might be you're crashing when you hit alt+tab which is a common occurrence for some people when playing source games.
  17. If this was in the chat in the pub server I'm pissed. Guys if this shit happens again and I hear about you are all getting banned for awhile. This is not how you act in the pub server.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. It's not up to the NHL what name the team will be, that is decided by the owners and accepted by the league.
  21. Happy Birthday Janke!
  22. The Great Escape
  23. Funny vids Elf!
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