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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Google Translator voice: 猫は私のボールをなめる Magoo: I dunno what she said but she sounds horny!
  2. There have been far more people who have done more than you who lost rank when they returned after resigning. People who resign do not get rewarded for returning, that's madness and that is why we urge everyone to take LOAs. We are not in dire need of more people so if you wish to return the choice is yours, nothing else needs to be discussed.
  3. You asked whether we can fix it or not and my answer was no we can not. The problem is on your end.
  4. No we are not.
  5. That means Happy April Fools in Japanese.
  6. Congrats on her 1st B-day!!!
  7. Sorry for the late response Captain Williamson. It is good to meet you and the 44th ID, I hope all is well and I look forward to future encounters with your unit.
  8. I am so sorry to hear this unfortunate news. Everything has been taken care of as you asked and again I'd like to express my condolences to you and Eric's family. He is in our prayers. Signed, Maj. B. Parker
  9. I saw these videos awhile back, they are so funny.
  10. March 2011 APRIL FOOLS!!!
  11. Don't know why lol, but when I was reading this post, didn't see the "I'm kidding" there and thought you said "I want to let everyone know I'm gay." ha ha ha P.s. jk Brown
  12. Takes a gay to know the gays, Magoo is there something you want to tell us? HAHA I laughed when you said female friends....you have no female friends silly faggot, dicks are for chicks!
  13. Berg that video you made was genious. You're gonna be a youtube hit in no time.
  14. Damn I thought I was going to watch porn.
  15. Great video Branem. I always love to see others make vids of the 1st! Awesome job dude!!!
  16. Pretty good dancer, it looks like he is dancing.
  17. Parker: What? You want a kid Mike? M. Swartz: Yea eventually when I can afford one. Parker: Now kids are objects? Legend: Afford one? You get them for free!
  18. Happy Birthday, have a good one!
  19. The map rotation is complete for this Friday's FNFN: dod_argentan_by_night dod_convoy dod_flurry dod_hinterland dod_kalt_1945 dod_solitude dod_tiger_detonation_b2 dod_tunisia_rc1 I'll post the map pack as soon as I can.
  20. So who is the unit reh-tard for March? I mean we have some pretty good candidates, especially that 2 time champ Turner!
  21. Why can't Dragon post here? As most know, the TK system has a forgive or don't forgive option for victims of TKs. He was banned because he TKs too much. He has been banned far too many times. The ban stays for 1 week. STOP TKing just to get a kill.
  22. Happy Birthday Teachey! Have a good one.
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