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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Our servers are fine, are you sure you were in our servers?
  2. It was in Toronto, thats where these guys are from.
  3. I want tickets!
  4. Unban request denied. I talked to you in vent as to why. Topic Closed.
  5. Or you could also go to every squad section on the forum and click this cool topic called "Squad Insignia"
  6. What are you talking about? Are you high?
  7. Happy Birthday, I got Turner to dress up for your birthday. Gimme a few hours to figure out how to get him inside the cake.
  8. In kazikstan car drives you!
  9. Done. You missed an extra 0 in your Steam ID.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Interracial Hole Stretchers 6, I enjoyed the movie because of the various angles the director used. It's an instant classic.
  12. I LOVE TO UNDERLINE SHIT TOO Haha jk Kirk! But honestly I'd like to quote Ritchey when he said "books are tits". I've read countless books so I'll name my recent favorites such as Lives of the Saints by Nino Ricci, The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasio, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I'm currently reading Descartes' Error by Antonio Damasio.
  13. Thank you for introducing yourself. Good to see a Japanese unit in DoD:S, but don't worry this isn't 1942 we don't hate you On behalf of the 1st MRB, we wish you the best of luck with your unit and I'll make sure we drop in from time to time. Signed, Maj. Parker
  14. There are a lot. My favorite will have to be Super Mario Bros. There probably are a few off the list, but all these were at one time, and still are, best sellers. What's yours?
  15. Thanks guys, these help keep our servers the best!
  16. We shall see.... You are on the list. I can't make the league yet because it's too early, but when I do I'll send you an invite. Any other takers?
  17. We've made a few modifications to the servers (no extra cost). Watchdog - This will monitor our server every 5 minutes, and every time it doesn't respond to more then X queries, will restart the server automatically. If our server ever crashes or hangs while we aren't around, it will be restarted for us. X=12 queries, Y=5 minutes ------- (X) x (Y) = Z --------- 12 x 5 = 60 If our server crashes, we've set it to no more than an hour to restart the server. Daily Restart - Our servers are now set to automatically restart at 6am EST everyday. This should help with any choppiness or lag during our prime hours. Map Downloads on Site! - We talked about it and it seems to be a good idea, I've put a link to our fast downloads server for anyone to download all the maps we have using our website. It's located on the homepage. We were hesitant on doing it because it contains exclusive maps like Camp Pendleton or the 1st MRB soccer map, but we agreed plagiarism won't be a problem because the creator of those maps (Ret. Ford 1st MRB) was kind enough to put the Marine Raider logo into the maps thereby acting as a 1st MRB "signature". Enjoy and happy fraggin'! Signed, The Command Staff
  18. Anyone who is interested in joining this years Baseball fantasy let me know. So far we got: - This guy - Engle - Gooderham - Conners - Watkis - Farr - Kirby - Teachey - Kabasares - Cayen - - We need 8 - 14 people so anyone interested should join! I do love my baseball, GO JAYS!
  19. He was hurt, you could tell.
  20. Fly Eagles Fly, On The Road To Victory. Fight Eagles Fight, Score A Touchdown 1-2-3. Hit 'Em Low. Hit 'Em High. And We'll Watch Our Eagles Fly. Fly Eagles Fly, On The Road To Victory. E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!!! I love my Eagles!
  21. GSP would destroy this joker!
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