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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Second try I got 28.6 m and then I got bored.
  2. Dear pubbers, The 1st MRB servers have been fixed and are good to go. All the mods are working and our HLStatsX is back online. Sorry for the inconvenience ladies and gents but no need to worry anymore because our kick ass public server is ready to go! Please let the command staff know if there are any problems regarding the pub. Thanks to Sgt. Benson for helping me test out the server fixes. Happy fraggin' everyone! - The Command Staff
  3. 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and I did a little boxing.
  4. That's right you're a Canadian living in Edmonton but you're a god damn Flyers fan. OMG!!! I can't handle this right now, there's too much betrayal.
  5. Oh no Remedy found out how to embed youtube videos!!!
  6. Yea I was watching it with some friends and man that was a good night. The official almost stopped the fight because Koscheck's eye was so fucked up. Glad GSP won, it was unusual to see him not take his opponent down on the ground. HE WON WITH JABS!
  7. LOL Yama, I didn't pay too much attention to the right side!
  8. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
  9. Mike Swartz: Ok 20 years ago you could not tell me and kevin apart. Now, you can't even tell we're twins man. Kevin Swartz: My beer gut isn't that big!
  10. Oh yea Miss Phoenix's femur is so sexy!
  11. Jeg er enig
  12. Playoffs are set: NFL Fantasy East Championship Match Team Get Some (Parker) vs. The moon Bohica (M. Swartz) NFL Fantasy West Championship Match Team SupremeNachos (Engle) vs. East LA BlakMagik (Morse) Let the games begin!
  13. I'm just saying it's so out of place. It's not like it's an island and it's all willy nilly, it's attached to Canada and not the US. I call shenanigans on this! P.s. We're fine with keeping Sarah Palin, soon she'll realize that we don't have governors in Canada muahahahahaha!!!! No but seriously we don't! The House of Commons makes Canada's laws. Canadians elect representatives to the House of Commons. These representatives are called Members of Parliament (MPs) and usually belong to a political party. The political party that has the largest number of MPs forms the government, and its leader becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is the head of government in Canada. The Prime Minister chooses MPs to serve as ministers in the Cabinet. There are ministers for citizenship and immigration, justice, etc... The Cabinet makes important decisions about government policy. The Senate reviews laws that are proposed by the House of Commons. The prime minister chooses the senators.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Well should it?
  16. Who actually watched the whole video?
  17. Yea regardless you were auto banned from the server for too many team kills. We have a TK system that monitors everyone's TK count. You get banned for a TK count of 5, however you can decrease your count by killing ENEMIES, not teammates. Since you took the time to come on here and post, I'll assume you really are innocent. Unban request approved. Be careful and watch where you're shooting next time.
  18. Ok this post is about sports people, let's stay on track.
  19. Yea obviously they won because they gave away bribes, but I have to admit these 5 projected new stadiums look bad ass! (except that friendship stadium, that looks a little gay) BTW I don't know why, but on the last stadium it said "Shirtless Obama" lol?!?!?!?!
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