I'm just saying it's so out of place. It's not like it's an island and it's all willy nilly, it's attached to Canada and not the US.
I call shenanigans on this!
P.s. We're fine with keeping Sarah Palin, soon she'll realize that we don't have governors in Canada muahahahahaha!!!!
No but seriously we don't! The House of Commons makes Canada's laws. Canadians elect representatives to the House of Commons. These representatives are called Members of Parliament (MPs) and usually belong to a political party. The political party that has the largest number of MPs forms the government, and its leader becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is the head of government in Canada. The Prime Minister chooses MPs to serve as ministers in the Cabinet. There are ministers for citizenship and immigration, justice, etc... The Cabinet makes important decisions about government policy. The Senate reviews laws that are proposed by the House of Commons. The prime minister chooses the senators.