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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Ok Morton since you're a college student who wants great yet affordable cocktail, I'll pose it in the form of a math equation. Baccardi Rum + Coke = (cheap and tasty)2 transversely JD + Coke = (cheap and tasty)2 However, for you my big and tall friend I propose this Grappa + Sprite = ((affordable and tasty)2 x 65% Alcohol)
  2. Edward Norton.
  3. Poll ended FUCK YEA!!!!!!!!!! TURNER IS THE NEW UNIT RETARD FOR DECEMBER!!!!!! And for those of you who voted for me I will find out who you are and get Turner to play tummy sticks with you!
  4. I miss Collazo hahaha!
  5. Yes, there is no gay porn here. Oh yea and Welcome!
  6. One of the all time greats paired with Robin Williams. This video always makes me smile!
  7. brød og bakte geitost
  8. Sau og lam!
  9. får får får lamm!
  10. Damn skippy!
  11. Thats what i'm talking about!
  12. He was banned for disrespect towards ALL the 1st MRB. While a 1st MRB member was trying to recruit a pubber, Eluna interjected and persuaded the pubber not to join by bashing the 1st MRB. This was the reason for his ban, however it has been noticed for sometime that Eluna likes to stir things up, he always continues to tell people in the pub that he was kicked out because of a fight with an officer (this was not the case for his discharge). He is here on out perma banned from our servers, if he dislikes us so much then he shouldn't mind finding a new home to ruin. Signed, Maj. B. Parker
  13. Happy Birthday bud, have a good one!
  14. +1 Happy Birthday
  15. Happy Birthday you old man. Have a good one!
  16. Yea I watch the show regularly. My favorite was the Lotus Exige episode where the Stig outruns an Apache helicopter.
  17. Leffe (Belgian) - its brown color is from raosted malt. It has a delicate taste of vanilla and clove, and the full aroma of toffee and caramel. Hoegaarden (Belgian) - spiced with coriander and orange peel. It is unfiltered and therefore pale and cloudy in appearance. Stella Artois (Belgian) - is renowned as a quality beer brewed for an average of 6-11 days longer than most other beers using the finest quality hops and barley including Bohemian Saas hops.
  18. F@$& YOU! :P
  19. YOU GUYS ARE LATE! Thanksgiving happened in October already. Stuffing.
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