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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Update Kevin and I fixed the scheduling, there are no more bye weeks for anyone. Game on ladies!
  2. WTF?!?!?! There should be no bye weeks since there is an even number of people in the league? Why are there 2 people on a bye week this week?!?!?! Kevin you need to fix the schedule in the league manager tools. DO IT BEFORE THE GAMES START TONIGHT!
  3. That was a fun first week. Kevin needs to revamp his team and Mikey got the most points. You're goin' down this week Engle!
  4. I hear ya buddy I got two of my best on there, Gaborik and Green!
  5. Why is the Cowboys' back up QB Kitna? Why would you take Kitna? And why hasn't the coach been fired yet? All that talent going to waste.
  7. Updated. Better music.
  8. I decided to get back into making some vids and after hours of hair pulling I got this. The music I chose was to attract the younger/hipper audience, it's not my genre of music but people tend to like it. Tell me what you think.
  9. Yes of course! It's not a hobo look alike contest, it's No-Shave November. Gotta look good while rockin' that beard!
  10. It takes 3 or 4 people to veto. If I used my LM powers to veto it then it would say vetoed by LM. Don't play the blame game on me. People thought it was an unfair trade and so they vetoed it.
  11. Yea it was a strange play hahaha. GO ARGOS!
  12. Canadian Police chase.
  13. Hahaha I pointed that out last night!
  15. Awesome. Zəhmli. Страхотен. Impressionant. 真棒 Strašan. Děsivý. Ontzagwekkend. Mahtava. Impressionnant. 素晴らしい Impresionante.
  16. I thought it was a good play off his 'decision' to go to Miami.
  17. Agreed, no question get L4D2. You won't regret it.
  18. GMoney you're an idiot.
  19. 11 people got the wrong answer on the poll.
  20. 3-way deal with Engle. Calm down!
  21. Happy Birthday Deadchick, hope you have a good one! P.s. There are other weapons other than the sniper. Just saying
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