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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. This video has already been posted like 4 times already on these forums...old stuff.
  2. but the nurses.....the nurses!
  3. Germany (20) United States (32) Canada (30) Norway (19) Japan (19) Mexico (16) Sweden (23) Australia (20) Denmark (18) Russia (23)
  4. Germany (20) United States (28) Canada (29) Norway (20) Japan (19) Mexico (16) Sweden (23) Australia (20) Denmark (18) Russia (27)
  5. France (2) Germany (20) United States (25) Canada (28) Norway (20) Japan (20) Mexico (20) Sweden (21) Australia (20) Denmark (20) Russia (24)
  6. France (5) Germany (20) United States (24) Canada (27) Norway (20) Japan (20) Mexico (20) Sweden (21) Australia (20) Denmark (20) Russia (23)
  7. France (8) Germany (20) United States (24) Canada (25) Norway (20) Japan (20) Mexico (20) Sweden (21) Australia (20) Denmark (20) Russia (22)
  8. but the nurses....the nurses!
  9. France (10) Germany (20) United States (24) Canada (24) Norway (20) Japan (20) Mexico (20) Sweden (20) Australia (20) Denmark (20) Russia (22)
  10. The bolt action limits the K98's lethality in combat. Although I believe the rifleman class to be the best class in DoDS, when it comes down to K98 vs. M1 then its the M1 that takes it because if/when you miss with the K98 there's that refractory period in between shots that will get you killed by someone who is familiar with the M1. The M1 is semi-auto and can deliver 1 shots to the head and two shots anywhere else on the body to get a kill. The secret with both rifles is to stand still long enough to increase your accuracy and take that perfect shot.
  11. Happy Birthday bud, have a good one!
  12. M1 is the best weapon in the game hands down. Most people shy away from it because they feel it's not easy to get kills with, that's why as recruits and privates you're restricted to the rifle so that you train with it and learn the ups of it. It is by far the most lethal gun in the game.
  13. France (16) Germany (20) United States (22) Canada (22) Norway (20) Japan (19) Mexico (20) Sweden (20) Australia (20) Denmark (20). Russia (21)
  14. I'll start it off France (19) Germany (20) United States (20) Canada (21) Norway (20) Japan (20) Mexico (20) Sweden (20) Australia (20) Denmark (20) Russia (20)
  15. Grey Goose + Lime Cordial + Lime zest = fantasticism (CPDCCC)
  16. Rules are you take a point away from a country and give it to another. You can only post after someone else has posted. Yama started this and I liked it so here we go... France (20) Germany (20) United States (20) Canada (20) Norway (20) Japan (20) Mexico (20) Sweden (20) Australia (20) Denmark (20) Russia (20)
  17. Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against
  18. Who's gonna win it all this year? Eh-agles anyone?
  19. CHANGED BACK TO 9PM EST Sorry for the round about guys, I do apologize.
  20. Fixed. Thanky!
  21. THE MEETING IS PUSHED BACK TO 10PM EST. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  22. Simply brilliant
  23. - dod_battlebridge_b5 - dod_dasher_b4 - dod_dorf - dod_getriebe_b2 - dod_monastery_b1 - dod_retake_1944 - dod_strand - dod_wismar_realism_002
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