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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  2. Come join the 1st MRB and BAR for a night full of custom maps and pure badassery! CLICK HERE to download the Map Pack
  3. honestly when I'm in the pub I just hold down my w key and see what happens haha.
  4. after seeing your video you got me wanting to make some again. I started this today
  5. IMPORTANT VENT MEETING FOR EVERYONE Anyone who is involved in the 1st Marine Raider Community (1st MRB, BAR, and occasional pubbers) are urged to attend this meeting hosted by the Command Staff of the 1st MRB. It will be on Thursday Sept. 2 at 10pm EST and it will be held in our ventrilo server. Subjects of the meeting are strictly confidential and will only be addressed at the meeting, so please try your best to be there. Thanks, The Command Staff
  6. They send them to Toronto, we don't have a Hollywood but most films that are filmed in Canada are filmed in Toronto.
  7. It's really hard to get banned for accidental TKs, I MEAN REALLY HARD. The way I set it up, it really only bans those who excessively TK, so getting banned for accidently TKing would mean he's A.) doing it on purpose, or B.) a really really really bad player (with all due respect). In any case, if you say it was accidental I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Unbanned. Play safe.
  8. Gay, G-ae-ey Definition - Zahl. Origin - Norway Used in a sentence - "Hey, look over there it's a gay Norwegian."
  9. Why is Engle winning? HAHAHAHA!!!!
  10. Done. Nice use of colors. P.s. I spelled colors without a "u" so americans can understand it.
  11. BCT Class 144 Congratulations to all the new privates of BCT Class 144! Graduates: Private James Edwards, report to Second Platoon/First Squad. Private Andrew Hudnall, report to Second Platoon/First Squad. Private Jason Hunter, report to First Platoon/Second Squad. Private Scott Kilbourne, report to First Platoon/Second Squad. Private Mark Lara, report to First Platoon/Second Squad.
  12. Thats exactly what happened to me with hockey. Played since I was 4, started out as a defenseman and transfered to a goalie. Could have got a scholarship to UofT to play for the varisty blues but I fucked up my knee in an accident. I could never play the same since. I still play pick up games with friends on the weekends, but I stick to defense now instead of goalie!
  13. 11 years, won 7 championships. What about you watkis?
  14. There are way to many question about what you can and cannot not do in the public server so here it is once again, You can do whatever your heart desires except: -NO INTENTIONAL TKING OR TWING -NO HACKING -NO MIC SPAMMING -NO RACIST REMARKS -NO IMPERSONATING A 1st MRB/BAR MEMBERS -NO DISRESPECT TOWARDS ANY 1st MRB/BAR MEMBERS what this means is -YOU CAN BLOCKADE ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME -YOU CAN SHOOT IN/OUT OF SPAWN The only rules we have are the 6 stated above.
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