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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Looks like Montreal picked up a few tricks from that Boston series
  2. I wasn't accusing you of editing the picture, the post you made in this thread previous to the picture had been edited by you.
  3. That picture shows me saying the exact same thing I say to all 1st SAS members that contact me, I've said that exact thing to 4 others. You were not banned for an inappropriate name such as a BoS unit tag but rather your attitude. I'm fairly certain you admitted to it in your reply but you edited it since then so I can't be sure. Nevertheless there are plenty of DoD:S servers that you can play on, ours is just not one of them.
  4. Prosciutto, if you've never tried it I strongly urge you to give it a try.
  5. Your assumptions are incorrect, your ban was not related to the 1st SAS but rather your attitude. You were banned on October 17th, 2013 for disrespecting admins and players. You were given ample warning prior to the incident and were permanently banned thereafter. We have a zero tolerance policy when dealing with disrespect and with that being said, your ban request is denied.
  6. There was no record as to why you were banned but I'm sure it was because of your tags. You have been unbanned, be sure to follow our rules and stay out of trouble.
  7. Fixed it.
  8. You're just jealous because you have to go buy a purse to hold your change. What did you say? I was distracted by your avatar.
  9. Unfortunately, only male dogs with testicles can be on the cover. I voted.
  10. Carey Price is out so what does Prust try to do
  11. We have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode Oberyn will face off against the Mountain next episode and, from what I saw in the preview, Oberyn's got some nifty moves! Brienne's storyline is getting kind of interesting, I'm not exactly sure where they are going to take it. Does she bump into Arya? If so, does Arya go with her? Or does Brienne just find Sansa and rescue her from that fucked up mess she's in with Little Finger? It's very very interesting. Dat ending doe!
  12. DoDS is better.
  13. Rangers win 7-2, there goes the home ice advantage for Montreal.
  14. If I was Norwegian I'd leave too
  15. Sorry Anderson, I just had to make this.
  16. Har blitt kun pølser til nå mmmmm lol Cvosd kxbk opgnwkn cvonapfna pooscx sdfksdflk mmmmmmmm haha!
  17. It's sad to see Teemu Selanne play his last game ever. The Finnish Flash will forever be one of the greatest to ever play the game, thanks for all the memories Teemu.
  18. Don't worry Yama, the game doesn't come out for another 1.5-2 years! You have time to save
  19. At least now I have someone to cheer for. GO RANGERS!
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