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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Well ladies and gents its that time again. Fortunately its that time of the year for most of us where we give thanks for things we have in our lives, like friends, family and loved ones. I can't speak for everyone but I'm sure most of us are thankful to have a place we call home like the 1st MRB that provides us with a great escape from the real world and a chance to meet new people and make new friends. Our servers run on the donations that many of you provide and without them we wouldn't exist so I'm only asking those who can spare some change to help keep our community going. Don't feel bad if you can't donate, we understand that there are people who can not contribute right now and that is completely understandable. Thank you in advance to those who have donated and to those that will donate, without you there would be no 1st MRB. Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving. Here are a few of the people that have donated recently: 2ndLt. McDowell WO. Stone MSgt. Rather TSgt. Kirk TSgt. Jablonksi TSgt. Smithers SSgt. Cannon SSgt. Lehman Sgt. Viktor Sgt. Willow Cpl. OGara Cpl. Mullaney Cpl. Newman I apologize if I missed any names, if I did it is because I didn't recognize the name under the donation. Please let me know if I did miss your name. Thank you for your donation.
  2. ^ We need answers! Its a buddy of mines' mouse pad. He wrote "The Devil Wears Prada" on it. (its a band for those that dont know) More likely his favourite Anne Hathaway movie. She's an amazing actress, I loved her in Interracial Hole Stretchers 2, 3 and 6. Oh.....wait.....uh...
  3. ^ We need answers!
  4. You take the game way too seriously...
  5. No.3 overall basketball prospect out of high school.
  6. Here is the video of him announcing his decision by choosing the hat of the college he wants to go to: Notice how he picked up the Illinois hat first then put it back down and picked up the Kansas hat. So troll. Here are some reactions:
  7. Happy Bday!
  8. Well I approached Mullaney to do the layout work as well, she seemed very excited to do it. I'm not sure if Candy still has the availability to do it but I haven't talked to him about it in awhile.
  9. Pay no attention to the Kadri suspension, look here instead:
  10. hax
  11. Well this is an unfortunate situation. You were perma banned for disrespect and impersonating by wearing the 1st MRB tags. There are better ways to get an admin's attention like adding him to steam friends, if you have to stoop so low as to insult someone to get their attention then you're doing it wrong. Thanks for posting but perhaps its best you find another server that reacts better to name changes.
  12. Devil Dogs "Teufelhunden" – Nickname given to Marines by German soldiers for their relentless fighting during the Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918. Jarheads – Nickname given to Marines in reference to their high-and-tight haircuts. Leathernecks – Nickname given to Marines who fought in the Revolutionary War, in reference to the leather collars seen on their uniforms. The leather collars were meant to protect against slashes from swords or sabers during a naval boarding action. "No Marine Left Behind" – A mantra that speaks to teamwork, loyalty and brotherhood that exists between Marines. Marines will intentionally risk their own safety to aid wounded comrades, or to retrieve the remains of fallen comrades. "Ooh-rah" – A motivational cry that signifies Marines are ready and eager to accomplish the mission before them. "Every Marine a Rifleman" – A mantra that speaks to the willingness and ability of every Marine to engage the enemy in direct combat, regardless of their primary MOS. "Improvise, Adapt and Overcome" – A mantra that symbolizes the flexibility, resourcefulness and quick decision-making ability found throughout the Marine ranks. Semper Fidelis – Latin for "always faithful," Semper Fidelis became the Marine Corps motto in 1883. Happy Birthday Marines!
  13. Season 4 new Jungle camp and masteries. P.s. This guy can be annoying.
  14. I'll bet they win it before Montreal does.
  15. Who wants to see Halloween hockey pumpkins? I do!
  16. Islanders got fleeced.
  17. China
  18. Yea sorry guys, I'll see if I can find another video source.
  19. http://www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/mlb/zaun-...rt-of-cheating/
  20. Good documentary, it's really scary to think how many kids already have CTE from playing sports. I really agree with the fact that there's no need for contact before the age of 14, they'll have plenty of time to learn how to hit after that.
  21. Yea I watch basketball, I'm a Raptors fan (not the greatest time to be one). The Celtics kinda had a fire sale this offseason basically leaving you with just Rondo, I'm excited to see how Kelly Olynyk does in his first year in the NBA.
  22. That is not a perma ban offense. Ban time lowered to 2 weeks.
  23. Happy Birthday Reis!
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