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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. lol...and never came back HAHAHAHAHA!!! Quarterman is the best!
  2. Why don't you start by not posting in the sports section unless you have something serious to contribute. Cheers.
  3. So Cannon why don't you stop posting here until you know something about hockey. All you do is post pictures without any comments about a subject you don't really understand. If you did know anything about hockey you would have joined the fantasy league. Stop trying to raise your post count on the forums by spamming topics with pics nonstop. If you have no other objective then to troll then I'll make you wish you hadn't...believe me when I say that. I wouldn't mind the leaf hate if you actually knew something about hockey, but you don't so I categorize it as just trolling the forums. Like I said, if you continue you'll see what my angry side is like.
  4. This.
  5. We're glad to have ya Phil!
  6. Wait, you're a jap?!!?!?!?! KILL HIM MARINES!
  7. I can't wait, finally a full season of hockey! Detroit, Boston, Montreal, and Toronto all in the same division is fucking awesome!!!!1!1!11!!1111ONEone
  8. The draft is on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at 10:00 PM ET
  9. While I was playing a ranked match I came across possibly the best name + lane call ever:
  10. Me!
  11. Good stuff Candy, although learning the map strategy is more important
  12. Everyone has swiped their debit card and silently prayed that the word 'DECLINED' doesn't light up the screen. Rest assured, Floyd Mayweather will never know that feeling. This $40,870,000 is just a portion of Mayweather's payout for his split decision against Saul "Canelo" Alvarez. As noted on the left, deductions were already made for anti-doping tests and comped tickets, but Mayweather's revenue from pay-per-view is still to come.
  13. I'm glad you guys and gals enjoyed it. It's always fun and I've enjoyed every single one we've had since we started them. We had a really great turn out tonight so that really helped with the atmosphere...not to mention my bet that made me drunk in 5 minutes! P.s. FNFN is still going with a full pub for 7 hours now. 1st MRB kicks ass at events!
  14. Happy Birthday Hall, hope you have a good one!
  15. Now there are 2 spots left.
  16. I needsss your email please! 3 spots left!
  17. I couldn't agree more, that episode was one of the best THE BEST episode I have ever seen (even better than the SoA Season 3 finale). What a way for Hank to go out like a badass hero.
  18. Watkis I need your email again.
  19. I don't. If you wish to keep it private you can send it via pm.
  20. DoDS only hax
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