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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Please reply to this thread if the server ever crashes. In the event that the server does crash, please provide us with as much information as possible. Please fill this out as best as you can: Server crash time: What map was it on?: Was it during a map change?: Was there any lag?: Were there any ping spikes?: Did you do a trace route?:
  2. Ok cool
  3. Do you know anything about hockey Stroops? It's a long season are you gonna be active?
  4. You have been perma banned. Have fun.
  5. I don't think I've ever played with you in the pub, but by the way you handled your unban request I can already tell you are a disrespectful person. For that reason alone I am increasing your ban time to 2 weeks. As for the hacking allegation, we take that very seriously around here. No one is perma banned for it unless there is correct proof of it. If our experts confirm you are hacking in the demo provided I will increase the ban to a permanent one. However, until that time your ban is 2 weeks for disrespect.
  6. The league has been created and there are 10 spots (I can make more if needed). If you know anything about hockey and you think you'll be active throughout the season then by all means sign up. As usual I'll need your emails in order to send you an invite. 1. Parker 2. Stroops 3. Teachey 4. Mamora 5. Watkis 6. Englebretson 7. Gooderham 8. Steiner
  7. Upgraded to permanent for racism.
  8. I saw the original video and had no idea he did this.
  9. Oh geez no I feel sad.. sorry we missed it Roussel
  10. Now we need the video. *cough* Takel *cough*
  11. I'm not sure what's worse, how old you are or that you made your own birthday topic? HAHA jk Happy Birthday I hope you had a good one, just in case you didn't know you can put your Birthday in your profile so we'll be able to create the topic for you next time
  12. This is like White Collar but a little more intense. I'll give it a shot when it comes out.
  13. Ottawa is pretty cool but....
  14. Rather: You can go suck a dick! TheDude.Tf: Come on over, I use teeth.
  15. The iPhone will always be my favorite.
  16. ...of the Slope Chute from now on.
  17. I'm staying out of the Slope Chute from now on.
  18. I'm staying out of the Slope Chute from now on.
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