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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. You only like this video because Arnold is singing the whole chorus
  2. Why do you think I should? Give me a few reason to back up this statement, make an argument why I shouldn't support one of the Brewers best players? The fact of the matter is with him in the lineup the Brewers are better, so I will support him as a player because he gives the team a better chance to win. As to what I think about him as a person, Ill wait to see what he does from here on out. He only makes the Brewers better because he's a cheater... My question is why would you support someone who cheats? A better question would be why would you support someone who cheats and lies about it? And an even better question would be why would you support someone who cheats, lies and steals MVP awards from players who play the game without cheating? Supporting him solely for what he does for the Milwaukee community should not factor in at all, all athletes do charitable work in the cities they play for. Has he ever won the Roberto Clemente Award? No, because there are players who do more and don't cheat. It's a common thing in sports for players to get involved and help their community. They are role models for people but most of all kids, and if you support someone that with that much influence after he was caught lying and cheating what kind of message are you sending these kids? That it's okay to cheat and lie because at the end of the day you'll be forgiven for it? It just doesn't make sense to me how anyone can support this guy after he cheated, he lied and made a mockery of the game and its fans.
  3. Fans drive the game, if fans don't show up to watch games there will be no profit in baseball and no investors to back it. If all fans want harsher punishments, there will be harsher punishments believe me. Ultimately, fans make the decision.
  4. You were very active in February, but it wasn't in our server and that's all I'll say about that. We take things very seriously when it comes to disrespect from dishonorably discharged members, hence why you have been banned from vent. You are still welcome in our game servers, however I will warn you that any incidents that occur in our servers will result in a permanent ban. Please be friendly and please don't show any of our members any disrespect as they've shown you none. One final request, do not spam higher ranking members and ask them to unban you (I'm already getting reports that you are) because my decision is final. Topic closed.
  5. I banned you. It wasn't Martin who yelled at you to be quiet, it was a higher ranking member. The reasoning was not false, you were given instruction to be quiet in vent during a realism by a NCO and you failed to obey the request. You then continued to voice your frustration with the request by responding with "calm the fuck down" and continued to talk loudly in vent. With all due respect, I have to disagree with that statement:
  6. It's one thing if he cheated the sport and admitted to it when he got caught the first time, but for someone to put on a ridiculous show like he did and tell everyone that the system is wrong and that he is innocent and later admit to using drugs after all the bullshit he spewed at people is unforgivable to me and any logical fan. When he got off scot-free the first time after the "mishandling" of evidence, he made everyone believe that he was innocent and that the system was targetting legitimate players. He built himself up to be a victim of the system that was put in place to catch cheaters and make the beautiful sport that we call baseball clean of any performance enhancing drugs. Now, all of a sudden he admits he was lying and that he did cheat the game and in doing so cheated Matt Kemp out of a NL MVP award in 2011. So can I forgive someone like that? Hell no. If that was Jose Bautista I'd write a letter to the Blue Jays telling them to ship his ass off to Siberia and let him play baseball in a prison full of killers and rapists. I even find it hard to forgive players that have taken drugs and admitted about it without lying, but I can see myself giving those players a second chance to prove themselves and possibly forget their wrong doings, however I would not be completely comfortable doing it. In Braun's case, however, there is no chance in hell that I will forgive him for what he did, he made a mockery out of the sport that I love and he tried to fool everyone into thinking he was a victim. You can add A-rod to that list for me too. You have the right to your opinion just like I have the right to mine and in my opinion fans who continue to forgive these kinds of players will never help expedite the process of making the game of baseball clean. 65 game suspension? What will A-rod get? 100? The punishments should be increased, forget this 50-game suspension for the first offense, 100-game for the second, and life for the third. Make it 162 games for the first offense and life for the second offense. I guarantee you'll get rid of this bullshit because players will be too afraid of the consequences if they get caught.
  7. Fans like Watkis are the reason people still try to cheat in sports. Blind fan: "Oh you cheated? That's ok, I still like you." Athlete: "Really? Thanks, I'll try not to get caught next time." Owner: "Fans still like him? Damn we better reward him with a big contract next time."
  8. Braun suspended the rest of the season and he accepts the punishment and apologizes for his wrong doings. You were saying?
  9. RFA players and teams can file for salary arbitration to settle some contract disputes. The player and team each propose a salary for the upcoming season, and argue their cases at a hearing. The arbitrator, a neutral third party, then sets the player's salary.
  10. It wasn't a signing, it was actually a trade. David Perron from the St. Louis to Edmonton for Magnus Paajarvi and a 2014 second-round draft pick. Not very shocking, the Oilers have been shopping Paajarvi for 2 years and they finally found something they liked.
  11. Oh hey no one's been posting, well allow me to commence: Flyers and Giroux agree on eight-year contract extension. The deal is worth $66.2 million, which works out to an average annual value of $8.275 million per season and carries a full no movement clause. Well so much for that lockout lol, seems like the Flyers always want to go big or go home. Maybe this player won't be traded to LA like others were Flames sign McGrattan to two-year, $1.5 million deal. $750K a season is not bad for a big guy with some grit, I like this signing by the flames to round out their bottom six guys.Canadiens bring in Briere for two years at $8 million. This signing makes little sense to me, the Canadiens need size not anther 5'7 player. I guess since they lost out on the Lecavalier sweepstakes they went after another Quebec native. I like the term, it's only two years so if he doesn't pan out in Montreal he'll be gone quick.Leafs place Grabovski on waivers for purpose of buyout. I like it and I don't like it. Is he worth 5.5 mil? HELL NO! But we don't have a lot of centers so this leads me to believe that Nonis might sign Weiss or Bozak and Clarkson. If he signs Bozak for anything higher than 3.5 mil/yr I will be upset.Elias signs new three-year, $16.5M contract with Devils. Another loyal member of the Devils organization ending his career there. Classy guy, good for him.Ballard agrees to terms with Wild for 2 years at $3 million. Great price for a character player who wasn't given a fair shake in Vancouver. I think he'll do well in Minny, but this means they aren't going to re-sign Cullen. Bruins trade Seguin, Peverley to Stars for Eriksson. HUGE TRADE! The Bruins give up so early on Seguin!!! It's not like they aren't getting anything in return, Eriksson is a legit 65-70 point player. If I was Peter Chiarelli I would have been too scared to trade Seguin just becuase of attitude, but I'm sure there's more to the story that will come to light very soon.
  12. Those guys sound like me, Weatherdon, K. Swartz, and McDowell really late at night when we're drunk!
  13. These are soo good. Almost....too good.... hax
  14. Wow Barry you're killing it!
  15. Better than doing forum work all day bwahahaha! You have to know what it's like before you can compare it.
  16. Try harder to troll, why do you even post, like we give a shit about your opinion Richards? Lol go back to playing Guild Wars 2!
  17. Thanks for your interest in wanting to scrim with us, however at this time we are fully booked with realisms, pub events, unit activities and have no time for a match.
  18. Wow Schneider went for soo cheap.... Gillis is the new Milbury! So now the Canucks have a goalie they told they were gonna trade because they liked the other goalie more and now they Luongo and the Canucks are stuck with each other.... LOL! What a shit show in Vancouver right now, the goalie situation could have been handled much much much much better and they could've traded Lou for last year but they wanted too much. Now look at what you gave up for Schneider, literally almost nothing for a viable #1 goalie in the NHL. The Wild got Nino Niederreiter aka El Nino from New York for Cal Clutterbuck. Not sure if that is good or bad for the Wild. We'll have to wait and see since Nino Niederreiter is still young and needs to develop a little more, but the Wild needed to make room on their cap so this was one way of accomplishing that. In other news, I like the Bolland pick up by the Leafs. This also means that Bozak will not be returning next year as a Maple Leaf, but I'm fine with that. Bolland is a gritty player and I like a lot of grit and toughness on my hockey team. Put Kadri as the number 1 center or sign one of Lecavalier/Briere/Weis and you've got something like this: Lecavalier/Briere/Weis Kadri Bolland McClement I really like that middle! Possibly package Grabovski with some prospects and trade for a top 2 shutdown Dman. OMG the possibilities Bolland just gave us to improve this hockey club gets me excited!
  19. And i'm ok with that. You say that now, but his act gets old really quick. He throws players under the bus by talking to the media instead of to the players themselves. Airing out your dirty laundry is not professional and players don't respect people who can't keep their problems quiet to the media. On top of that, he's always so hot-headed that he just storms out of meetings and never answers any questions. I don't think he's a good coach, I think the Tampa Bay team that won the Stanley Cup did it based on talent alone.
  20. Dexter realizes he needs to kill himself. /thread
  21. We are aware of the problem, the issue will be fixed shortly. Thank you for informing us and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Signed, The Command Staff
  22. We invented basketball.
  23. Lucas Nogueira's Awesome Afro But honestly congrats to Anthony Bennett going #1 overall. Big day for Canadian Basketball.
  24. Johnson: It means I get to travel to Europe. Me: You are in Europe...
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