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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. I don't think we will, we have some of these already there and all of them might be too many. I love all these Raider pics just because it's really cool to see the Marine Battalion that we took our name from. These guys were bad ass commandos that were first to land and assault most of the islands in the pacific. Pictures like these really help put an image to the story we know abut them.
  2. hell ya but you need flamethrowers for that to work.
  3. Chicago vs. Pittsburgh in the Stanley Cup Finals. Book it.
  4. Marine Raiders on Makin Beach holding an American flag. Ships unloading supplies and Marine Raiders. A tough bunch of Marine Raiders pose for a group picture on Guadalcanal A Marine Raider fire team crossing a river ready for the enemy. Training taking place at Camp Pendleton. Some more training exercises by a very determined Marine Raider. Marine Raiders holding up a Japanese flag after an assault landing on Tulagi Island. Life aboard a U.S. Navy ship. Nothing better to kill time then doing some push ups. Knife combat training featuring the Raider's famous stiletto knife. A Marine Raider comforting a scared Japanese mother and her children. U.S. Navy ships carrying supplies and Raiders. Got a light? Waiting for the enemy. A Marine Raider patrol at Enogai accompanied by their trusted K-9 companions. Medics helping some wounded Raiders at Matanikau River. Crossing a marsh on Guadalcanal. Artillery fire across the Matanikau River. Two Marine Raiders with a Thompson and a BAR taking ground on Tulagi Island.
  5. Chicago has home advantage, but those pesky red wings seem to make things happen anywhere they play. Should be a good game tonight.
  6. CoH 2 is already bought and I'm just waiting for them to release the full version.
  7. what...the....fuck Japan?
  8. On behalf of the 1st MRB, thank you to all the soldiers of past, present and future.
  9. That's really cool. I loved Lego as a little kid, I use to have so much of it that I got from my birthdays or from christmas. One time I just mixed all the pieces I had together and made a giant city full of epicness. Ahhh the good times..
  10. No it's someone doing decals and then applying them on lego characters. Was this someone you?
  11. Wait what is this? Did Lego actually make WWII 1st MRB minis?
  12. One of the funniest interviews ever. Kawasaki doesn't speak a lick of english hahaha!
  13. One of the best cinematic I've ever seen, this was as good as the SWTOR cinematic. My only problem with it is that it's too short
  14. HAHAHA that is a funny picture. In all honesty tho, what politician hasn't done drugs or slept with hookers? There has got to be more than you know that have been able to keep it secret. In other news, I just want to say that Toronto took Boston to seven games when New York could only make it to 5. That is all.
  15. Making a mockery of admin warnings given to people is a major turn off. I didn't tell anyone "they were gone" I said it was their last warning and to watch their fire, at which point you began to make a joke of it and started taunting the other player who I just warned. Your 10 minute ban was justified and you are now in our records, if you continue your behavior in our pub then the duration of your next ban will increase. We are grateful that you like our server and that you play in it frequently. We understand this is a video game but you need to look at it from our perspective, maintaining a positive environment for everyone playing in our server is what we strive to achieve and to accomplish that we have to police it. When you make rude comments about our rules and taunt others who were warned, you're adding to the problem rather than helping. Be respectful, obey the rules and I promise you that you'll continue to have fun in our servers just like everyone else.
  16. Munichs got this and don't ever call Chelsea pathetic. They may have lost in CL but they won Europa this year good sir.
  17. Either 14 people are really that dedicated OR 14 people are lying. Hmmm.....
  18. What's the first thing you do when you go on the internet? The first thing I do in the morning is check my e-mail.
  19. Welcome back Roy!
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Thank god you guys are done arguing over windows versions. Anyways, I've always had a PS and loved it. I prefer the smaller controller over xbox's bigger sized one when it came out. To be honest, I only ever used the console for sports games, racing games and games like GTA. Any kind of FPS or RTS is always gonna be better on the computer. I'd still play N64 over any other console. Golden Eye, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, etc these games were classics.
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