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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. It's easy to take pot shots from the golf course. DAMN!!!!!!!!!!
  2. refs didn't determine all 4 games. The Canucks couldn't seem to beat the Sharks all season long and it carried into the playoffs. Gotta love that Sens comeback in the 3rd. However, imo that was a kicking motion. That was a play you could argue for and against. Did he have a kicking motion after he redirected the puck or was it a kicking motion from beginning to end? Like I said, imo there was a kicking motion. On to tomorrow, I hope my Maple Chiefs can get it done against these Bruins.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Ya it was a highly entertaining game, I like how MacLean called a timeout with 17 seconds left in the game and up 6-1. I think he's the greatest (not biggest) troll in the NHL, he does things that some might view as classless and others view as badassery. Babcock has taught him well. Bourque and Prust should get at least 1 game suspensions for targeting Conacher's head. Talk about intent to injure....
  5. Here's the thing, Gryba made contact with the body and the head at the same time (it's important to note that). If he was aiming for the head, he would've been standing up straight. Gryba positioned his body so that he was leading with his hip and not his shoulder. That's a clean hockey hit in my mind and in the minds of people who know a lot more about hockey than you or I. Shanahan and his team made their decision and many don't agree with it including me, but what's done is done. I think if Eller didn't get hurt there wouldn't have been a suspension, the fact that there was blood probably put pressure on Shanny to do something. I agree with you that intent needs to be a suspendable offense as its the main reason for head shots in the league. Haha ya JVR's goal wasn't the goal of the year, I was just drunk on both alcohol and optimism when I said that yesterday. And Panda I have a question for you, do you like that bug-eyed fat walrus?
  6. What a game. I was outside the ACC watching on the big screen with thousands of fans and it was awesome. Surprisingly a really good tailgate party too. Reimer made some huge saves and JVR what can I say, goal of the year maybe? This is where I was tonight:
  7. Bun Grilled Chicken Jalapeno Havarti Cheese Tomatoes
  8. Nothing wrong there, good 'ol Canadian boys on their horses getting a medium double-double at Tim Hortons.
  9. Well I watched the first two episodes of this show because you guys wouldn't stop talking about it I find myself zoning out every time the camera is on the protector, I can't stop starring at the mole under her eye, I can't get past it. Anyone else agree?
  10. That's BS, I'm sorry but those angles that they mainly used are ones that don't tell the whole story. Illegal check? He made contact with the body and the head at the same time! Listen to Kerry Fraser (a former senior referee in the NHL for almost 40 years), Aaron Ward, Michael Peca and hear what they had to say about the hit. EDIT: Wow Mike Peca said he should have punched him in the face like I said he should LOL!!!! Great minds!
  11. WOW GRYBA GOT TWO GAMES? I guess Shanaban saw something the rest of us didn't. I'm sitting here waiting for the NHL to release the explanation video.
  12. You can't ask players to avoid that kind of contact, it's a contact sport. Open ice hits are probably the most dangerous but the most impactful for the players and the fans. Big hits give players energy and give fans excitement. Injury does happen in sports, I'm not saying what happened to Eller wasn't bad, it was unfortunate for him. At the same time, that was a good hockey play on Gryba's part and call me old fashioned but I wouldn't want to see that removed from the game. Gryba saw Diaz looking for an outlet pass and saw his eyes wondering towards Eller, Gryba then started going at Eller anticipating a pass from Diaz. If anything, Diaz put Eller in a dangerous position and if Eller hadn't got hurt I'm sure he would've punched Diaz for it. Contact to the head is unavoidable in most hits and you ARE allowed to make head contact on a player as long as it's not the principal point of contact. To "clean up" (as you put it) the game to avoid hits that happened to Eller would be to simply state no head contact at all, but in doing so you're taking away 80% of hard hockey hits. Like I said, call me old fashioned but I think the rules they have in place now are perfectly fine.
  13. I'm not sure what did the most damage to Eller's head, was it Gryba or the ice? It looked like he came down hard face first into the ice. Did you see Perron's hit on Penner? I wonder if thats gonna be 2 games. Principal point of contact (and only point of contact) was the head and Penner didn't even have the puck.
  14. I hope Lars Eller is okay, you never want to see players get hurt like that. I'm not sure if Diaz should've passed that puck to Eller. I need to look at it in slow-mo to see how Gryba hit him. Price just let in a really weak goal.
  15. Negative sir! Honestly I've always been a fan. My favorite animal growing up was a penguin. When I found out there was a hockey team with a penguin in the name it was game over =D. I hate Crosby, he can go cry some more. That's an oxymoron right there. Crosby IS the Penguins, to hate him but be a fan of the Pens sounds like bandwagoning to me.
  16. Doesn't count, she had help. She cheated.
  17. That is possibly the worst game Toronto has played in 3 years. That has to be playoff anxiety at its finest. They have 2 days to practice and fix those fucking neutral zone giveaways and terrible line changes.
  18. My predictions for the first round of the playoffs. Sorry they're late. Eastern Conference Playoffs Pittsburgh vs Islanders - Pit wins in 5. It's the Pens, they are the best team in the East (possibly the whole NHL when healthy). I'm a HUGE Tavares fan, I think he's the most underrated player in the NHL. Unfortunately for him, the Pens are just too deep in depth, too experienced, they have so much leadership (the only captains they didn't acquire in a trade are Captain Crunch and Captain Morgan), and they have three of the elite players in the NHL with Crosby, Malkin and Letang. Montreal vs Ottawa - Ottawa wins in 7. Yes Ottawa. I think Montreal had an outstanding year with some great surprises for them in Subban and Gallagher. I'm not confident in Price right now, he looked really shaky at the end of the season and you never want your goalie to lose confidence in himself. On the other hand, Ottawa got to where they are today without their stars and that's because of depth. Now that they have Karlsson and Anderson back, I give them the edge Washington vs Rangers - NYR wins in 7. This is a very close matchup, both teams started off bad and had a strong finish. It's so good to see Ovechkin is back in his element, it's great for the Caps and for hockey but will it be enough to stop the Rangers? I like the pieces NYR added from Columbus and I'm more confident in Lundqvist than Holtby. Boston vs Toronto - Toronto wins in 7. Obviously a biased prediction, I'd be a horrible fan if I didn't pick the Leafs to win. Realistically, the Leafs have a chance to win because they have so many eager youngsters that want to make a name for themselves. At the same time, it's hard to put a young team up against a Stanley Cup winning veteran team like the Bruins and think you have a chance. Both these teams are set up the same way, toughness, tenacity, defense, and hard against the boards. So if they are both similar teams then you have to look at experience, the Bruins have it and the Leafs don't. The Leafs are the underdog, but I still beleaf they can get it done! Western Conference Playoffs Chicago vs Minnesota - Chicago wins in 6. Sorry Engle I am really rooting for Minny to win, but you can't look past that outstanding Blackhawks team. If the Wild can get Backstrom back in the cage stopping that puck, they have a chance to win. As of right now, the Hawks have so many weapons from the front to the back of their lineup and it's no surprise they ended up with a 36-7-5 record. Hey, no matter what I'm still cheering for the Wild! Detroit vs Anaheim - Ducks win in 5. Detroit is old, there's nothing more to say. They limped into the playoffs and just barely edged out the Blue Jackets. The Ducks have really pulled it together this year under Bodreau and it seems they are buying into what he's selling. With all their offensive power and confident goaltending, they have my vote in this series. San Jose vs Vancouver - Canucks win in 6. The Sharks are notorious choke artists in the playoffs, although I'd usually say the same for the Canucks they proved me wrong 2 years ago when they made it to the finals against Boston. Every team that has beaten the Canucks in the past 4 years have won the cup, that being said I don't think San Jose is gonna win. Too much offense and defense on the Canucks for the Sharks to handle. St. Louis vs Los Angeles - Blues win in 7. This is a fun mathcup. The Blues are always under the radar, they have so much depth but my concern is do they have enough experience to beat the defending champs. This is such a close matchup that I'm excited to see who comes out on top. The Kings are defending their crown, while the Blues are trying to earn theirs. Who wants it more? I give it to the Blues. P.s. I'm so pumped for the playoffs!!! 9 FRICKIN' YEARS SINCE MY MAPLE LEAFS GOT INTO THE PLAYOFFS, I was 17 the last time they were in. That is too long for a franchise with so much history in the NHL and in sports in general. The city is buzzing again and there is a sense of optimism, but we all know we're the underdogs. We're (when I say we I mean Leaf fans) just so happy to see some playoff action in May again and no matter what happens we're proud of how the Leafs did this year. I just hope that when they play Boston, they play with everything they've got with no regrets. GO LEAFS GO BABY!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Plus minny was the away team too.
  20. 3 games tonight folks. Chicago vs Minnesota Anaheim vs Detroit St. Louis vs Los Angeles
  21. I like it between 34 and 49
  22. I think I made that prediction before Kobe got hurt.
  23. A perfect toast should have a dark brown color to it, not black. For example: but I prefer my toast like this :
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