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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. If the question was to difficult for you to answer then don't answer it. Most people didn't have a difficult time answering it so I'm pretty sure it was simple enough to understand. But hey, not everyone understands simplicity.
  2. Why would they make it look worse? They made it sooooo plain.
  3. It can be done with a couple of mini coopers. Trust me, I've seen it work.
  4. Happy Birthday! RANDOM DAWSON GIFS INCOMING IN 3...2...1...
  5. Simple question, what would you bring to a gun fight? - It has to be a firearm. - It has to be real (no blasters Magoo) - It has to be hand held and ideal (i.e. no tanks or something ridiculous like that) Basically, answer the question and try not to be a wise guy I would bring a Remington 700 SPS Tactical Rifle a.) because it's awesome and b.) because I own one and feel pretty comfortable with it.
  6. It was only a 10 minute ban, you should be unbanned by now. In the future, do not TK someone for TKing. Inform an admin and they will handle it.
  7. Contest Announcement Added a new rule as of right now it is in effect. I don't want people joining the pub and staying spec the whole time. If you join the pub then I expect you to play in it. That being said, if anyone joins the pub to stay spec the whole time, you will be disqualified from the competition and will not be eligible for any of the prizes.
  8. We are offering game prizes to members of the 1st MRB and BAR who spend the most time in the pub AND a bonus prize to the person who recruits the most people for the 1st MRB. The contest starts today and will end the first week in January. Games that will be featured in this giveaway are Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Dishonored, Company of Heroes 2, Borderlands 2, and Sniper Elite V2. Our goal in the end is for our pub rank to be 1st overall and for the 1st MRB to get some new blood, so everyone really needs to come together and help us push to make that mark. What better way to do that then to offer up some cool game prizes to the biggest helpers? Plus, who doesn't like prizes? 1st Place Prize Your choice of game: 2nd Place Prize Your choice of game: 3rd Place Prize Your choice of game: 4th - 5th Place Prizes Your choice of available game: Recruiter Bonus Prize (Awarded to the person who recruits the most players. Anyone can win this even if you've won a prize already) *Note* This prize will only be awarded IF we get at least 15 recruits by the end of the contest. Your choice of game: *Let me also make this clear, I don't want people joining the pub and staying spec the whole time. If you join the pub then I expect you to play in it. That being said, if anyone joins the pub to stay spec the whole time, you will be disqualified from the competition and will not be eligible for any of the prizes.
  9. NHL lockout update: NHL commissioner Gary Bettman will address the media at approximately 1 p.m. ET Wednesday afternoon. HUGE NEWS! Good or bad, nobody knows yet. This news comes after the players and owners met yesterday in NYC without the presence of Fehr and Bettman. So this either means there's gonna be hockey in December or there's gonna be no hockey this year. PLEASE LET THERE BE HOCKEY!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Lol calm down. Every union threatens their respective league with desertification during a strike, it doesn't mean shit.
  12. Happy Birthday! Go HAM on that liquor saaan!
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. I totally forgot Stone's Armory page! Oops It's added now.
  15. DAMNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Some mistakes have been fixed. The Newsletter is looking mighty fine, great job to all the writers! P.s. That interviewee was substandard
  17. November/December 2012 Happy Holidays!
  18. People often group politics and religion together as two taboo conversation topics, I think he was just playing it safe. He's not people. SNAP!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Lol not happening. The biggest bargaining chip the players had was a potential strike, when they started that they lost any edge in negotiations they might have had. Owners can wait as long as they want, they have another source of income, the players can't afford that luxury. No matter what they agree to, the players will ultimately lose in any deal they make. Whenever there is a strike the players never win, look at '05 when they went from no cap to a fixed cap. The owners won that deal and there's NO WAY they want to go back to a no cap era where player salaries are increased exponentially.
  21. Scratch that, it's official.
  22. The last big trade we did was in '92 when we got Joe Carter and Roberto Alomar which led to us winning back-to-back World Series in '92 and '93! Of course, being a Toronto sports fan I'm always cautiously optimistic but sometimes it feels good when your organization does something awesome like this. Live in the moment!
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