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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Marines!
  2. Isn't it kinda late? Did you already start one? Who else is in your league? Yes I'd most definitely be interested.
  3. When no one continues a thread conversation with Stone, he continues it with himself.
  4. Good times indeed, but I will never forget my 2 penta kills in one game with shaco (almost 3....thanks Engle).
  5. Rather while awaiting the results:
  6. 3:12 At first I thought that was a condom. 6:31 Looks like pieces of shit under a light.
  7. Happy Birthday.
  8. P-I-M-P!
  9. They are actually performing Ben Folds cover of Bitches Ain't Shit. Pretty funny though.
  10. And I get to watch the Raptors try to make it into the playoffs.
  11. Ya ya I was wrong, but I did not expect Verlander to get beaten or the Tigers to get swept.
  12. Fubar is awesome.
  13. That was pretty funny.
  14. You've been unbanned, but you are already on record so if it happens a second time you will remain banned.
  15. Haha ya it's still 3 episodes in on it's first season. Yama gets +1 honor for watching it.
  16. I'm not even angry, I'm impressed!
  17. Are you dressing up your hermit crabs for Halloween?
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