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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Hmmm the the word cheat comes up an awful lot....
  2. Yes there was added time in the server.
  3. Weatherdon that roll looks like 60% of the time, it works every time.
  5. Should be fixed now.
  6. It'll be ready in 5 mins
  7. Parker 1st MRB


    The show is based on the DC comic the Green Arrow. After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. As Oliver reconnects with those closest to him, he secretly creates the persona of Arrow - a vigilante to right the wrongs of his family, fight the ills of society, and restore Starling City to its former glory. By day, Oliver plays the role of a wealthy, carefree and careless philanderer he used to be while carefully concealing the secret identity he turns to under cover of darkness. I didn't follow the show at first because I was skeptical, but I read some great reviews about it and decided to watch it. Now I think this is probably one of my favorite shows, I just hope it doesn't go downhill from here. I'm not great at writing reviews so I won't even attempt to, all I can say is watch it and see if you like it as much as I do.
  8. We should take some demos too.
  9. The 1st MRB presents Hide n' Seek Night for all BAR and 1st MRB members. The event will be in our private server on Oct. 31st starting at 9pm EST.
  10. You're all going down.
  11. This happened while we were playing LoL and vent was lagging out. Patrick: Johnson you have to last hit! Patrick: Johnson you have to get fed!! Patrick: Johnson you're the AD carry!!! Me: Like flies to scheisse.
  12. Before I read anything, I thought you wrote a poem.
  13. Oh those Japanese....
  14. When they say baseball isn't physical, I think they mean player-player contact.
  15. Watching the end of that vid gives me chills every time. Hockey is the greatest, we need it back soon.
  16. Tigers in 6, they'll get 2 automatic wins with Verlander on the mound and the other 2 wins will be decided by Fielder/Cabrera.
  18. Kids these days.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. The ban stays. Please find another server to play on.
  21. NO! DO NOT SUPPORT THIS! But donations are appreciated
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