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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. I hope so Arsenault. Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys!
  2. Watch his whole routine, it gets better and better.
  3. dod_avalanche What about you?
  4. Seriously? This is rap? Lol his name is Krispy Kreme and he has a southern accent. Is this a joke or is this real? This is not rap, he has no rhythm and his rhymes are terrible. I mean these are lyrics put together by a 3rd grader telling a story for show & tell. "James and Mike had beef last week, Cuz James ran over Mike's bike with his jeep. I found out where James' house was, James had guns and James sold drugs. So I knew it was gonna be hard work, But I wasn't scared cuz James was a dumb jerk." I can't believe how many likes that guy got for that video and how many people said he was the next 2pac.
  5. Me: Someone wrote "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity" lol! Engle: Well it's true. Me: No, if you fuck long and hard enough you'll get there. Trust me. Yama: Yea I've been a virgin 17 times. HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!
  6. Entourage The Movie is looking for a few NHLers to cameo alongside Vinny, Eric, Johnny, Turtle, Ari and Lloyd. “Looking for a few NHL players to do some guest spots in the upcoming Entourage movie,” the social-media rep for the film tweeted out Wednesday, “Any suggestions?” NHL/HBO fans began casting their votes for the casting call and here are the vote leaders: 1. Paul Bissonnette a.k.a BizNasty 2. Claude Giroux 3. Joffrey Lupul 4. Scott Hartnell 5. Tyler Seguin
  7. Happy Birthday.
  8. Next time please notify an admin.
  9. You were banned on two separate occasions for team killing. The first incident resulted in a 2 day ban which was on September 3rd of this year. The most recent was also team killing and resulted in a 1 week ban. You will be unbanned on Monday October 8th at 10:46 pm EST. I know my admins and I know for a fact we don't ban people for 2 or three accidental tk's. Watch your fire and you won't get banned.
  10. I did too! That was probably the best car they ever made and I was really happy when Top Gear did a special on Lancia. They got a really bad reputation but produced some of the best cars.
  11. Well then, two events we shall have. Zombie mod will be a perfect fit for Halloween and Hide and Seek will happen sometime before or after that. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. Ok people this isn't a place to compare shows. Who cares anyways? I saw the opener for Dexter, it was a bit disappointing because I thought Deb would help him lie and then forget about it. It seems like she's gonna dig and dig until Dexter is gonna have to do something about her.
  13. How could you Dawson
  14. I'm pretty sure he won't burn up, but he'll probably have the sweatiest pair of balls on the planet when he lands!
  15. The mission, Red Bull Stratos, will take renowned athlete Felix Baumgartner to at least 120,000 feet above the earth, to the very edge of Space. From there, he will attempt a stratospheric free fall jump - the longest in the history of man - and hopefully will become the first human to break the speed of sound with his own body. This is a mission to overcome limits which have existed for almost fifty years, ever since the heroic achievement of the young US Air Force test pilot, Joe Kittinger, with his 1960 Excelsior mission. Red Bull Stratos will attempt to make history and deliver valuable learnings for medical and scientific advancement that will aid the exploration of space in future years. Target launch date: Monday, October 8th at 8 a.m. ET / 5 a.m. PT. For more information, visit http://www.redbullstratos.com/
  16. How about 1st MRB and BAR members go into the pub, I hear that's better than TTT.
  17. I don't understand it...
  18. Hello Captain Tompkins, Seems like everything we discussed is all there, we look forward to the upcoming match. We're very glad to see BlackWatch get back on their feet since at one point we were brother units. We wish you the best of luck on getting BlackWatch back up and running again and if you need any help you know who to contact. Signed, Lt. Col. Parker
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Rather brought it up.
  21. I have it on my 4, no issues. However, I don't like the look of the new map and they got rid of the youtube app (you have to download it manually )
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