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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Working on it.
  2. 81 billion years. I'm happy with that.
  3. "..and I was like Melissa what's going on?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  4. Thank you for the heads up, I hope it's a successful event for you and we'll try to be there.
  5. You can set up a wish list of people you'd like drafted so that it doesn't auto draft ESPN's perceived best player available for you.
  6. What does that have to do with anything I said? I pointed out that the Sedin hit was not a great moment in sports history, I didn't say anything about 'US sports' (that term confuses me). For the record, I appreciated the video as I am a huge sports fan, probably more than anyone here so please don't twist my words and assume I'm upset that there are only two hockey plays. I stated one of my observations about a play I didn't think was worthy of the video, that's all. So don't get your panties in a bundle.
  7. There were only two hockey scenes in that entire vid and one of them was Brown's hit on Sedin?!?!?!?! I dislike the Canucks, but how is that a great moment in sports history? P.s. Ronaldo has some dirty dirty moves. Awesome.
  8. That game was too easy.
  9. JUST A REMINDER THE LIVE DRAFT IS Sun., Aug. 26 at 10:00 PM ET
  10. I would play minecraft just for this. I laughed at that fight haha!
  11. I think you mean tennis good sir. I haven't played with anyone yet because Rather was too lazy to come meet up with me. I'm sure it's fun with a bunch of people.
  12. I told you so. Exactly how I described the game. Game. Set. Match. Parker wins.
  13. I can tell you that running at 60 fps is fine, but you will see a noticeable difference if you try upping it with a config. See the medical supply office for that. I noticed your Lerp is at 100. Read my above post and click that link. It explains the issue you are having and how to fix it. Your Lerp should be as close to 0 as possible. Hope this helps.
  14. It depends on who shot you also. If the player is from Europe and has a ping around 150+ then that could be the reason. It could also be your LERP, if you want to find out more about it check out our medical supply office - CLICK ME!
  15. Here's what it's like playing Day-Z: Start launcher. Find server. Connect. Loading. Loading. Loading. Loading. Loading. Loading. Receiving data. Loading. Loading. Loading. Loading. Creating player. Loading. Loading. Loading. Loading. Loading. Spawn in the middle of nowhere with no gun. Zombie chases you. You run. You run. You run. Run some more. and more. Zombie stops chasing you. Another player spots you and kills you with his rifle. YOU ARE DEAD. Repeat from the beginning.
  16. Well I'll tell you what I tell everyone that asks me the same question. I think shooter games are waaaay better on the PC, whereas sports games and platform games are much better on console.
  17. Hecklers always lose. One of the worst comedians to go up against if you're a heckler - Jimmy Carr.
  18. Wow. Question: Have you been nominated for unit retard?
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