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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Cool story, nest time put it in the Slope Chute.
  2. Who is da unit reh-tard of August?
  3. AND THE WINNER IS Brown (ALL OF THEM) Due to these disturbing results, the name 'Brown' will no longer be allowed in the unit
  4. Happy Birthday Branem!
  5. Bobby McFerrin is a genius when it comes to music. Here are some of his other works: And he's great with any audience. And of course his most famous work. A funny little video featuring Robin Williams:
  6. Happy Birthday my brotha from another country! Hope you have a good one and have an extra drink for me! Oh and make sure you have + + Have Sorley talk to one of your friends in Australia And record it!
  7. Lol I guess he got his legitimate reason.
  8. It's open to the entire 1st MRB Community so you're welcome to join Watkis. Remember guys I need your emails so pm them to me on the forums.
  9. You were banned for inappropriate behavior on our servers and you can add our forums to that also. Your pitiful attempt at trying to get arouse out of us is a testament to your unpleasant nature as a person and further strengthens our decision to ban you permanently. Have a nice day. Topic closed.
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