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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. He's really not joking. My turn. 25 years old. I can pee standing up. I can poop sitting down (no seriously I can, it's the coolest thing). I can puzzle Rather's brain with simple riddles (check out the quote thread to become part of an inside joke, YAY!) I can stick out my tongue and touch my nose *sticks out tongue and uses finger to touch nose* I can pee standing up..no wait...shit...no not shit...damnit. The above is all the comedy you will get out of me. Enjoy it you mother fucker.
  2. Congrats to Miami for being this year's NBA Champs.
  3. Thanks for the suggestions, believe me when I say that in the 3 years of running this unit I've heard all these suggestions before. I speak for the whole unit when I say we're not interested in altering the game at this time and our server ranking suggests the same. Thank you for your input, we do appreciate it. Signed, Lt. Col. Parker
  4. That was all Portugal today, they deserved the win. What a header by Ronaldo, read it perfectly to run around the defender and knock it in.
  5. Inconclusive evidence. This ban report is for O.Xiter and not P.e.r.f.o.r.m.a.n.c.e.
  6. This does not warrant a perma ban, he has been banned for 1 week.
  7. Pretty awesome, I like how tickets are sold out for London.
  8. Yes it is true, but just because you shit a lot doesn't mean you're going to lose weight. You need to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Yup. The amount of water you drink really depends on your body type, but I would say your minimum should be 65 oz a day. How much more you drink is up to you.
  9. Umm if you're trying to be a smartass, it's not coming through. Stone, people always have a different opinion when it comes to fitness. Just because your trainer tells you something doesn't mean he's the all knowing God of fitness. Athletes, trainers, coaches and nutritionists normally all have different theories about staying fit or losing weight. Now I could be wrong on this but I do believe the recommended daily water intake is 65 oz (that's just for for the average joe who isn't trying to stay fit). I was curious so I looked this up, in the U.S. the RDI is actually 125 oz but that can vary depending on a number of factors like you said. However, there is a difference between drinking 65 oz and 90 oz, the majority of losing calories from the body happens in the bathroom. Drinking more water makes you take a piss more often and removes calories from the body. Also, drinking more water helps with moving food through your digestive system and burns calories just the same. Before I blew out my knee playing hockey I had coaches, friends, trainers, and nutritionists telling me some conflicting stuff. Don't just get your information from one source because what works for him may not work for you. I can tell you for certain that drinking 90 oz over 65 oz of water most certainly helps.
  10. Uh that's not crap, it's science. The reason you drink a lot of water is to flush out fat that you ingest. What water does is filter your body, the purpose of drinking a lot of water a day is to flush out the fats from foods you eat. If you don't have enough water than the fats you eat just get stored in the body.
  11. Me: What's black and white and read all over? Rather: I don't know, a zebra that got shot with a 30-06? Me: Umm no, it's a newspaper. Wow Rather. Rather: I like my answer better.
  12. Me: Rather you there? Me: Rather? Johnson: ...... Rather died. 5 minutes later Rather reads the quote thread... Rather: I didn't die.
  13. I agree, the Chargers would be the place to retire. Even if they have Matthews and Tolbert he could still be utilized as that veteran presence to help the younger talent.
  14. What a beast. Sucks he's retiring.
  15. You were banned from our public server, not for being VAC banned, but for something that is a bannable offense in our servers. It could have been racism, TKing/TWing, hacking, disrespect towards an admin, or continuous spamming. EDIT: After further investigation, I found the ban request for your player id by one of our members. You were banned for TKing in our servers. I have lowered your ban to 4 days. If you are banned again for the same offense, there will be no appeal.
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