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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Give the banning admin the ability to reply to this topic if he/she recalls the incident. If not you he be unbanned within 48 hours.
  2. Yes there is news, you have been VAC banned from at least one other game which I assume is part of the reason you were banned. That being said your ban stays unless the banning admin has any information to share, please find another server to play on.
  3. They can investigate it but I'm not sure they can overturn the decision.
  4. I lol'd at Westbrook's choice of clothing after the game.
  5. You can't just win with jumpers, you need points inside the paint.
  6. I watched it last night, it is an amazing documentary. It mainly follows three indie game developers as they create games and release those works to the public. Two of the main developers you get to watch are Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes who work together to develop Super Meat Boy. The other developer you follow is Phil Fish who has been criticized for taking too long to release his highly anticipated game, Fez. It was one of the best documentaries I've seen in a long time, it shed some light on the stress and lifestyle of those who create indie games that most people take for granted. Whereas big companies have hundreds of people working for them to develop a game, almost all indie games consist of one, two or maybe a small group of people. I've never been one for indie games just because they looked rudimentary to me, but that was a mistake. I'll be looking at that genre with a lot more perspective in the future.
  7. That's because OKC is too big to even get in the paint.
  8. Since your ban occurred we have had some new policies implemented in our MP Office. Due to the fact that there was no evidence provided for your ban in the past, you will be unbanned immediately unless evidence is provided. However, be sure to change the attitude and act respectfully when in our server. If you are banned again you will not be given another chance. Topic closed.
  9. Has anyone seen this? Is it any good? It looks pretty interesting and it was an Official Sundance Film Festival Selection for World Documentary.
  10. LeBron vs. Durant. Epic match tonight. I don't think LeBron is gonna choke, he's learned a lot and has really matured as a player over the last 2 years. He'll have to be great if Miami has any chance at winning because outside of LeBron, Wade, and Bosh they have no one contributing. Maybe you could throw in Battier and Chalmers but that's it. Miller is better off not playing... Whereas you look at OKC roster and you have production from everywhere. Outside of their big three being Durant, Westbrook and Harden you still got Ibaka and Fisher to add to that. And talk about big boys Mohammed, Perkins, Ibaka, and Collison are all 7 feet tall. Chris Bosh is gonna have to work harder than he's ever had to in order to win a championship against OKC. This is the matchup I wanted to see in the NBA Finals.
  11. I made him do rocket laps and I never told him when to stop.... I'll be right back. No but seriously we never met up.
  12. I didn't say they did. Seeing how my school was close to Moss Park and that I've lived downtown almost all my life, me thinks I know downtown Toronto very very well.
  13. CONGRATS L.A. KINGS! You guys deserve it, I'm glad you guys finally won a cup!
  14. "I need a Tité"
  15. Lol when I update the servers I update both of them. That would be like only wearing one pant leg all day. Thanks anyways Holland. Topic closed.
  16. That's not how it works Holland. It still needs updating which I'm currently done with. The server should be fine now.
  17. The France-England match was a little boring in the second half. I'm pretty sure everyone thought they would tie. The Sweden-Ukraine match was great to watch because Mr. Shevchenko did what he does best - scores. Two goals and both beauty headers in the back of the net. It was also great to watch one of my favorite players ever when he played for Inter and that's Ibrahimovic. Both these great players netted goals for their country today and it was a pleasure to watch. Today was like watching a match between Milan and Inter back when Shevchenko was on Milan and Ibrahimovic was on Inter. Awesomesauce.
  18. I'm fixing the issue now. Stand by for more info.
  19. Yes there happens to be a building with your name on it Gooderham lol. Church and Jarvis is only fun for people like Locke
  20. ManBearPig.
  21. Pacquiao should have won, the only reason I can think of was that he didn't dish out enough damage. I saw the same fight the judges saw and to me it looked like Pacquiao won, but boxing is known for fixing fights.
  22. After reading the provided information, the ban has been lowered to one week.
  23. I can, Germany is a HUGE powerhouse. They were undefeated in all 10 qualifying games and netted 34 goals in those games!
  24. Watch the EURO CUP!
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