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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. We're still number 1, just saying....
  2. No matter, I beat the game already. So which new games are coming out this summer?
  3. Same thing happened to my monk, which is why I don't play anymore.
  4. This one is better office country road song by mrbrdo
  5. Ban stays, topic closed.
  6. Please be patient until the banning admin replies to this topic. If no admin replies within 2 days, your ban will be lifted.
  7. Please be patient until the banning admin replies to this topic. If no admin replies within 2 days, your ban will be lifted.
  8. Ban lowered to 3 days.
  9. Your unban request is denied but has been lowered to 3 days for the following reasons: 1. You blatantly disregarded orders by your team leader which started the whole incident. 2. Showed disrespect towards a 1st MRB member by writing certain comments. 3. Your sentence was lessened because we do not encourage TKing at anytime in our servers, for that I do apologize. In the future, be sure to follow orders even when you disagree with them. If you have an issue with a 1st MRB member, add an admin to your steam friends and inform them about it. They will give you advice on how to handle the matter or they'll pass the information to their superiors.
  10. The #1 is not in the name to indicate that they think they're the number one server in the world, it's to distinguish between both their servers. For example, [21games.ru]DoD:S #1 and [21games.ru]DoD:S #2|ZombieMod. It's a very common thing to do, we used the same thing when we had two public servers.
  11. Beast of a play.
  12. SCCCHHHHHWEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTT video Tité. Love the smoothing and the intro *cough*.
  13. Here are the rest of the pics:
  14. WE'RE NUMBER 1!!! nommer een numri një zenbakia bat número u broj jedan nummer et Nummer een nombro unu pangunahin numero yksi numéro un 一番 nummer eins nimewo yon 첫번째 számú númer eitt nomor satu uimhir a haon numero uno numerus จำนวนหนึ่ง nummer én numer jeden número um رقم واحد nomer odin nummer ett bir numara rhif un As of May 29th, 2012 the 1st Marine Raider Battalion Public Server is ranked #1 in the world on Day of Defeat:Source. On behalf of the Command Staff, we would like to thank everyone in the 1st MRB for putting in those hours and getting us to number one, you guys make us proud to wear these tags every single day. We'd like to give a special thanks to BAR for supporting us from the beginning, without you guys our pub would be empty and characterless so thank you so much for helping us accomplish our goal and being the baddest mother f@#$ers in dod:s. Of course we'd like to thank the regular players that play in our server everyday without any affiliation to us, thank you all for supporting our server. Congrats guys, this is a well deserved accomplishment and it's one none of us will soon forget. Cheers and happy fraggin'! Signed, The Command Staff 1st Marine Raider Battalion
  15. So far so good, I suppose you can close this topic so it's not pending. If it happens again I'll just reply here. Thanks again for the help.
  16. Just an update, I've installed the newest driver that was released 3 days ago and so far no problems *knock on wood*. I've played some 3D supported games and watched some youtube videos and it hasn't crashed, but I don't think I'm out of the woods just yet. Stay tuned.
  17. All the good ones I made got deleted so this time I uploaded them to my photobucket. They'll be with us forever and ever and ever and...
  18. Got it maybe 2-3 months ago. I just installed the latest driver so we'll see if I have any problems.
  19. Oh alright gotcha gotcha, I'll try a few other things before I do that.
  20. I'll definitely try that, there's just one problem...wtf is RMA?
  21. No I do not overclock my card and yes all my fans are spinning. I've also checked the settings and everything seems to be ok. When I play a 3D game or watch youtube videos my screen locks up, it freezes with weird colors and stripes on it and it won't allow me to do anything so I normally have to manually shut down my comp. Like I stated in my description, I'm not the only one having this problem with the GTX 560 card, it seems to be an issue with the drivers nvidia is releasing so I'm currently trying to find an older driver version to install. Thanks for the ideas anyways guys. Here is what I found: Nvidia forums Article
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