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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Being that you were in the 1st MRB you understood how serious we take disrespect. Unban request denied.
  2. I played Sins awhile back and it was fun. Stopped playing it. Back into it again and it's really fun again. I just pre-ordered the new expansion coming out called Rebellion and if you pre-order it on steam you get instant access to the beta which has multiplayer.
  3. Click me...do it....click me damn you. Seriously, click the shit out me otherwise I'm going to cut you.
  4. For people who missed it, this is the future:
  5. So I just realized that if I win Fantasy Baseball this summer I'll get the Triple Crown! I already won football and hockey this year....OH SNAP!!! Game on gents. P.s. Not that it's a big deal or anything
  6. Yamagata and Englebretson ^ The winners right there.
  7. So I won...again! WOOT!!!!!! The word liquor is in there cuz that's how I roll. I want to thank the hockey gods, my parents, chuck norris, the kid on youtube who likes turtles, joe ferrigno, the writers of The Walking Dead, and that guy from Who's the Boss. I'll be waiting for a rematch next year!
  8. Mine aren't even highlights lol. I just went in the pub for a map, recorded it and gave it to Fuji because no one else submitted anything for him. Fujiwara you did an amazing job on this, I love the special effects. The smoothing and transitioning to a player was sweet. Bravo!
  10. CLICK HERE Comrades to view the latest Newsletter.
  11. I'm not gonna lie, I've watched this about 5 times already. HOW THE HELL DOES HE DO IT?!?!?!?!
  12. Great movie Maines, the transitions, the text, and the editing were brilliant. Keep up the great work Gunny! P.s. I sound like a douche, no wonder it's easy to hate me
  13. Brendan Shanaban!
  14. This video is so epic!
  15. I started this!
  16. Happy Day of Birth!
  17. Another awesome day of Hide and Seek. OMG the laughs were non-stop, I'm pretty sure Jones almost had a heart attack! Happy Anniversary guys, this was probably my favorite one so far just because we did it in style 1 week of pure awesomeness!
  18. Gun Game Night was a great success guys, it just ended so it was going for a good 5 hours. I don't know about you but this anniversary week was an awesome idea! Oh and don't forget what tomorrow is: Hide and Seek [1st MRB/BAR]- March 25th at 4pm EST in the private server
  19. Logsdon was bored...
  20. Friday Night Fight Night was a HUGE success! We had the server full for 7 hours straight. Great job guys, keep up the good work and remember we've got Gun Game tomorrow.
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