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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. No, it was just Houston. Go JAYS!
  2. It's the same guys who made this video:
  3. Please tell me this is not true. Gretzky, my man, you were a great player but you are not the brightest coach/gm/president/yada yada.
  4. I wasn't able to make it but Raonic beat Sampras 7-6 (4), 6-1 in the friendly match. Awesome match, great up and coming tennis star, and an amazing game by a legend.
  5. The approval of two additional wildcard teams for the post-season by baseball owners is long overdue. Commissioner Bud Selig says the specifics are still being worked out, and the 10-team playoffs will be part of the new collective bargaining agreement being finalized with the players. FINALLY! Thank the heavens that Baseball decided to expand its playoff bracket. At first I was like: But then I was like:
  6. Yea I've seen that before. It's true 1967 was a long time ago and we're still waiting. It'll come sooner or later, GO LEAFS GO!
  7. Fuckin' Bruins.
  8. Mmmhmm German's make some good beer. And cue Goodwin nnnnnnnnnnnnnow....
  9. God damnit, have you learned nothing?
  10. Is someone still holding a grudge about a certain cup named Stanley?
  11. NHL rule (43.1). A goalkeeper is not “fair game” just because he is outside the goal crease area. The appropriate penalty should be assessed in every case where an opposing player makes unnecessary contact with a goalkeeper. However, incidental contact, at the discretion of the Referee, will be permitted when the goalkeeper is in the act of playing the puck outside his goal crease provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. Lucic got a penalty so that's good enough for me. The whole Buffalo team, however, should get suspended for not sticking up for their goalie. Bunch of pussies got scared of Lucic, Buffalo's true colours showed that night. Terrible teammates.
  12. I want 5 seconds of my life back.
  13. 1stSgt. Magoo SSgt. Stone SSgt. Griswold Sgt. Maines Sgt. Morton We've got some great stuff from the whole media staff. Every month they deliver articles to me, all I do is put them together.
  14. Happy Bday bud, sorry it was late. I hope you had a good one! Here's a girl I found with a neat trick:
  15. Because you lag so much. Dawson is the one you seek Frantz.
  16. On behalf of the 1st Marine Raider Battalion To all the men and women in uniform past, present, and future God bless you and thank you.
  17. Well Goodwin if that's how you get drunk then I've been doing it wrong for years.
  18. Pffft I beat this game on the first try.
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