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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. http://www.curveball-game.com/ If you get there then you have extremely good hand eye coordination.
  2. I am so fed up with the Eagles. When are they gonna start playing like the team they have on paper!!!1!1!one
  3. It was sooo close for me, but after a lot of consideration my vote went to HBO. AMC has emerged as a series making genius because of shows like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead and Hell on Wheels, but I had to go with HBO just because they produced more. Rome was one of my favorite series ever as was Generation Kill, Entourage and Band of Brothers. Even today they are still spitting out great stuff like Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire. Give credit where credit is due though, AMC is becoming a force to be reckoned with.
  4. I dunno man, AMC has been a titan as of late, Breaking Bad and Walking Dead are amazing shows. Oh and I watched the first episode of this new one called Hell on Wheels yesterday, WOW is all I can say, this one is going to be awesome!!!!
  5. AMC vs. HBO In the AMC corner: Mad Men Breaking Bad Broken Trail The Prisoner Rubicon The Walking Dead The Killing Hell on Wheels In the HBO corner: Game of Thrones Boardwalk Empire Curb Your Enthusiasm The Pacific Generation Kill John Adams Flight of the Conchords Rome True Blood The Wire Entourage Deadwood Carnivàle Band of Brothers Six Feet Under The Sopranos
  6. Parker 1st MRB


    Can the Fins, Sweds and Nords all get along? Or does the world implode? I'm gonna make a comic strip about.
  7. Me: I can't believe it's 5:30 and it's already completely dark. Jones: Yea people get sad syndrome. Me: Wow that's a real scientific word haha. Me: It's actually called Photosynthetical Deprivation Disorder. Jones: Did you just google that? Me: No....I just made it up hahaha! Jones: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *choking* HAHAHAHAHAHA *coughing* HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  8. Magic. Birthday. Happy.
  9. With all due respect I'm sorry but what are you still doing around here? Seriously, why do you still hang around these forums? Are the sixth forums not interesting enough? Do they not like you? I couldn't imagine why they wouldn't. Have fun swallowing some of that medicine.
  10. November 17th at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto one of the all time greats Pete Sampras is going to play Canada's up and coming tennis star Milos Raonic and you better believe I'm going to be there. How often do you get to see a legend in tennis like Pete Sampras play? I can not wait for this shiznit to happen! /end of story
  11. The Clarent Jug is a golf trophy given to the British Open champion, however, golf is not a team sport therefore it does not fall into the same category as the MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA and MLS. Golf is a great game nonetheless and in no way am I gonna start comparing golf to other sports.
  12. This is from an article I was reading that I found to be quite interesting. 1. You Get Your Name on It - It sounds simple enough. But seriously, you get your name on it. Every player to have won the cup in the history of the NHL, plus many from years prior to the NHL's existence, has their name engraved on the piece of hardware they won. Victorious players can look back through the list of names who have held the cup before them and feel a part of a rich history. They see the names of players they idolized growing up as they themselves hoist the same trophy above their heads. Fans can search the rings for their team and remember the year they brought the championship home. It creates a connection and remembrance that you don't get anywhere else. 2. It's the Oldest - The original Stanley Cup was donated in 1892 by Lord Stanley (the Governor General of Canada) to be presented to the winner of the Dominion Cup. The NHL didn't even play its first season until 1917. By then, the Stanley Cup had been associated with championship hockey for a quarter of a century. Lord Stanley's bowl was 75 years old by the time the Commissioner's Trophy (MLB) and the Lombardi Trophy (NFL) were first awarded. Stanley purchased the cup for a little over $1,000 in today's currency. 3. You Get to Take It Home with You - One of the great traditions of the NHL is that everyone who has his name on the cup gets to take the cup home with him for a day. What happens from there is where the stories come from. It has found many uses while in the care of the NHL's players, coaches and managers. The cup has been used as everything from a flower pot to a baptismal. It has been a cooler, a champagne bowl, a urinal and a lawn ornament. The cup has also traveled the world, including a trip into a live combat zone in Afghanistan in 2007. It apparently came under rocket-propelled grenade fire, but escaped with no injuries. 4. It Has Been Used and Abused - In 1905, it was drop-kicked into the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. In 1924, members of the champion Montreal Canadiens left the cup in a snowbank on the side of the road after taking it out of the trunk to change a flat tire. It has been to the bottom of multiple swimming pools, including Patrick Roy's after the Canadiens again won the cup in 1993. This incident prompted a genius level observation from captain Guy Carbonneau. "The Stanley Cup does not float," he astutely observed. It has been stolen on multiple occasions, mysteriously finding its way home again each time. You don't get these types of stories with trophies that are remade every year by Tiffany & Co. and put in glass display cases for the rest of their lives. 5. The Players Get It First - The NHL does things a little differently. The Stanley Cup passes straight from the NHL's commissioner to the captain of the victorious team. This move outclasses all of the other major sports leagues that do not follow this practice. It also makes possible those epic moments where the captain gets to hand it off to another deserving player, such as the moment between Joe Sakic and Ray Bourque after the Colorado Avalanche won the cup in 2001. Bourque had requested a trade from his beloved Bruins just to have a shot to cap his storied career with a Stanley Cup ring. Sakic passed on his right as captain to hoist the cup, instead passing the hardware straight to Bourque: This photo will go down in sports history. How many photos of NFL owners accepting trophies share the same emotion and fame?
  13. Wow that sounds fun, this time explain it in english lol!
  14. Oh I see what you did there.
  15. After 10 Ok I gotta start off talking about my Leafs 7-2-1 to start the season, I'm still cautiously optimistic about it but man it's reminding me of the '93 season. Who would have thought that Kessel would be the leading scorer in the NHL right now? And Phaneuf one of the leading scorers on the blue line? One thing that needs to improve is the PP and PK, if they want to make the playoffs they need to get special teams working. We are officially the youngest team in hockey right now and it's not even showing but like I said I'm still cautiously optimistic about them so far. Holy shit balls is Edmonton not a fun hockey team to watch or what? Every time that Hall/Nugent-Hopkins/Eberle line hits the ice you know they're gonna make some magic happen. They're D is a little shaky at times but they're 6-2-2 because of Khabibulin, that guy is rebuilding the Bulin Wall I tell ya. He is a solid goalie right now but his age has to be a factor, I give these guys a couple years and they're gonna be the new power house in the NHL with or without a goaltender. Jagr is a Hall of Famer. Jagr is 9th all time in NHL scoring. Jagr is a beast. The Flyers are like 6-2-2 because of two people: Jagr and Giroux. Don't tell me Hartnell should be included because I disagree, that guy has improved because of Jagr, period end of story. Have you ever heard a goalie say he has zero confidence and that he's "lost in the woods"? Bryzgalov seriously needs to pull his shit together and start earning that ridiculous contract he was given. To the Canucks and Habs fans I say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is all.
  16. Hello Brophy, I'll keep it short and sweet, no. Those people have been banned for a reason. Signed, Maj. Parker
  17. Great turn out guys, we had the server full for 6 straight hours!!! Pub rank is now 15 so good jerb everyone! P.s. I did not last very long with my vodka game but I'm kinda sober now, oh god what a crazy night...
  18. Didn't know you're Canadian too? What's up buddy?
  19. Featured Maps: dod_almere dod_baum_b4 dod_causeways dod_colonia dod_cr44b3_remake dod_foy_b3 dod_solitude dod_vallente_rc3 dod_vaterlands_hanger_5 dod_wildenthal Note: If you download the map pack there are some map names outside the maps folder. Just toss those into your dayofdefeat/dods/maps folder.
  20. Friday October 28th starting at 8pm EST CLICK HERE to download the map pack so you don't have to wait
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