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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. There's all this talk nowadays about concussions in hockey and now some sports writers are saying they need to remove hitting and fighting from the game. Those two things are just as much a part of hockey as scoring goals are. DON'T TAKE THE GAME OUT OF HOCKEY! 0-2:00 are submarine hits and 2:00 onward are straight up open ice hits. Moral of the story - don't fuck with Scott Stevens and Rob Blake.
  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you all have a fantastic day.
  3. This guy makes chuck norris look like goldilocks!
  4. Toronto Philly's? I think you mean Toronto Maple Leafs. I agree the Leafs do have "this".
  5. Teachey I want that cake!!! You need to deliver that pronto.
  6. Branem that vid was hilarious. Berg that's a cake fit for Zahl not me. Dawson those pics are kinda weird but not as much as Sarsons'... Thanks everyone!
  7. a little bit of how's your father = sex
  8. No. Goodwin you are too classy for me. Have you ever made KD mac and cheese and realized you were out of milk and butter so you used water?
  9. No and to add to this: Engle you fail at life because 1. You were early for Halloween and 2. Who the hell dresses up as a can of nuts? Have you ever been so tired and drunk that you couldn't make it to the bathroom so you pissed into a beer bottle that was next to you and went back to sleep?
  10. No, but I used orange juice one time and beer another time. Have you ever told a hooker that she should pay you for your time?
  11. You didn't make the draft so like Engle said we got you all backup goalies so.... EDIT: I just remembered that you did make the draft. You're in Europe with your gf and its early in the morning and you still made the draft. I just thought of one video
  12. Yes, campus police my 1st year of University. It was night time and I was drunk, I had a bottle of Fireball in one hand and a box of frosted flakes in the other. Went up to their car and poured my Fireball on the hood and chucked a bunch of frosted flakes on it to make it ggggrrrreat! The jury of my peers reading this must note that I was extremely intoxicated at the time. Have you ever spelled your name in the snow with your pee? P.s. I forgot to mention they never caught me because I booked it over a fence and into my friends dorm.
  13. Haha cool vid Branem!
  14. No, but I was extremely late to board my plane one time that they called out my name multiple times over the PA. Have you ever drank too much that you puked up what you thought was blood but then realized it was the bottle of wine you drank?
  15. Fuck an apprentice, the question is who wants to be my bitch?
  16. Hahahaha www.ENJOYBITCH.org
  17. Happy Birthday Mammary!
  18. Draft time was moved to 10pm EST mofos.
  19. Why are you using so many colors and sizes?
  20. Damn! Checkmate good sir. That's deep, you should be a philosophizer. Edit: HOLY SHIT! Philosophizer is actually a word? The people who make up words think like me? My god run for the hills people.
  21. Yea well I hate cats. Dogs rule. How do ya like dem apples?
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