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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Yea Goodwin when will we get to taste your new Cat Beer made with real cats!
  2. Happy Bday!
  3. I always call him fag, isn't that good enough?
  4. The ban will remain for the following reasons: 1. Attempting to recruit members of our unit. 2. Disrespecting the ruling of your ban by creating other accounts which were also banned. 3. Causing general mischief while playing in our server, details of which have already been discussed. Topic Closed.
  5. Germany (63) United States (26) Japan (60) Sweden (72)
  6. Happy Birthday Spear! P.s. Never go nut to butt!!!
  7. LOL "...then we go to E minor, oh definitely got some weather. Things are a little more complicated then they seemed at first." HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  8. Between Layton, Ignatieff and Harper you have no real leader. Ignatieff is a lost human being who doesn't even show up to parliament when he's suppose to, Layton loves to go to rub and tugs, and Harper is a mad man if he thinks he can dissolve our existing healthcare. These elections were unnecessary to begin with and in the end gave more unwanted power to Harper. It was an election based on platforms and in my opinion the conservatives (with the exception of their healthcare plan) had the more appealing platform to me. I voted conservative knowing that Harper will not be able to change our healthcare and at the time thought he would only get a minority government. The end result of these elections - Harper gets four more years for the Torres with majority of the seats, the NDP is now the opposition and the Liberals shot themselves in the foot when they appointed Ignatieff as their leader. At least shit will get done, hopefully more good than bad.
  9. GSP is still the champ!
  10. UFC 129 - 55,000 fans filling the Rogers Centre (Center = American translation) TONIGHT! Biggest venue ever held in MMA sports. History will be made right here in good ol' Toronto! I can't wait to see GSP vs. Shields, a lot of people have Shields winning it because they think GSP is past his prime. I don't think that at all, GSP is gonna come out strong and win by KO. Other fights I'm interested in are the Aldo vs. Hominick matchup and the Couture vs. Machida matchup. Randy Couture said no matter what he's retiring after this match so it'll be fun to watch how he'll end his career. I wanna see my Canadian boy Hominick win and take the featherweight tittle from Aldo, but like every sport anything can happen. Can't wait!
  11. Uh oh hope to see you around sometime Goodwin! P.s. Gratz!
  12. Happy Birthday McDowell!
  13. Happy Birthday Wells!
  14. Thats great and all dobbles but you pointed out a fact I already knew someone would. You can't say shit about 13 Stanley Cups can you? Yea thanks for playing. Cubs suck balls, GO JAYS! Back to back in 92 and 93.
  15. I wouldn't have so much confidence when Chicago came back to tie the series AND they tied it with a minute left in game 7. You guys choked, but got lucky. Good luck facing Nashville. Go Leafs Go *Comeback Reminder* If you try to make fun of the fact that I root for Toronto, just remember one number - 13.
  16. Germany (31) United States (83) Norway (21) Japan (31) Sweden (47) Denmark (9)
  17. Germany (28) United States (78) Norway (21) Japan (26) Sweden (40) Denmark (15) Russia (14)
  18. Germany (26) United States (72) Norway (20) Japan (24) Sweden (37) Australia (9) Denmark (16) Russia (17) Viktor is trying to pretend he's not a communist by taking points aways from Russia.
  19. Germany (26) United States (72) Norway (19) Japan (24) Sweden (36) Australia (10) Denmark (16) Russia (18)
  20. Happy Buurday Conners!
  21. Germany (25) United States (71) Norway (19) Japan (24) Sweden (35) Australia (12) Denmark (17) Russia (18) Boutton stop helping the Aussies!
  22. Germany (23) United States (69) Norway (19) Japan (19) Mexico (6) Sweden (31) Australia (18) Denmark (18) Russia (19)
  23. 7/10 I like the tags I made
  24. Germany (22) United States (68) Norway (19) Japan (19) Mexico (13) Sweden (25) Australia (19) Denmark (19) Russia (18)
  25. I'm a big lotus fan and I'm liking you Elise, the one thing I hate about the Exige and Elise - its a pain to get in and out of them! Oh and btw I can't believe you still have hearing without wearing any ear plugs lol P.s. PTFM?
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