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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Engle interrupt this thread again and this will happen to you:
  2. I'm not a fan of the ducks either, but i still respect that goal. WHAT A GOAL!!!
  3. Bobby Ryan scored an amazing goal yesterday against the Preds in the first round of the playoffs.
  4. Dude 'HAIR' is the HAT!
  5. I'll unban you, HOWEVER your friends that come in here cause a lot of problems for us. I'm not saying it was your friends who sprayed the porn but the fact is trouble always follows you, so make sure any friends of yours that join our server are aware of our rules. You have several other bans on multiple servers which is another area of concern for me. If you try any other attempts of starting unnecessary drama by talking about other units we have ill relations with then you'll find yourself permanently banned from our servers. If you want to play in our server then be a polite and quiet human being because your actions as of late are not helping you. This is your last chance. Topic closed.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. I have and it's because of steam, their last update broke everything including audio.
  9. It's ok, I'm glad you won on your special trades!
  10. Well you can try to take away my title next year because I AM THE CHAMP for the 10/11 season!!!!!!!! I'd like to thank the Basketball Gods, my parents, Jesus, Moses, that guy from Who's the Boss, James Bond, the creators of Family Guy, Gobias Industries, Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer for all their support. Without them none of this could be possible. Next on my list: Baseball.
  11. Reservoir Dogs (takes place after a heist) Heist Snatch (similar to Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) Ocean's Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen The Usual Suspects (not directly based on a heist) The Score Entrapment Foolproof
  12. Wow it looks insane!!! I can't wait.
  13. Dear loyal pubbers, Yet again the steam update has caused several problems for games using orangebox (i.e. DoD:S). Fortunately we've managed to fix the problem, our server is now updated and all the mods are working. We apologize for any disturbance of fragging on our server Signed, The 1st MRB Command Staff
  14. +9,987,483,175
  15. I am not the motherly figure in this unit! Now go wash up for supper and eat your greens.
  16. Strand is on there and it does work. Still working on others, I will post asap with an update.
  17. Happy Birthday you american spy, have a good one!
  18. Happy Birthday young man, have a good one!
  19. Topic Closed.
  20. Sweet vid Branem!
  21. Happy Birthday Worsham, have a good one!
  22. Working on it...
  23. I'm working on a solution. It's been reoccurring periodically and it has been somehow fixing itself within a day or so.
  24. Yea it's still 416-GAY-LORD
  25. What happened with your enlistment with the 6th RB? You posted on your enlistment with the 6th RB that you left us because you didn't like the way we run things?
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