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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Have you figured out your pearl problem yet?
  2. 58000...fucking hostages man!
  3. Here's the real reason Robert Green couldn't catch the ball....I lol'd when I read this. The full article can be found here: http://www.sportsnet.ca/soccer/world_cup/2...up-cdn-model-0/ My opinion on the matter is simple, he's a rookie goaltender who cracks under pressure. It's not because he got dumped, the Brits are using that as a scapegoat. The USA team earned the point they got against England fair and square.
  4. Good stuff! Sharp is coming to T.O.
  5. "...is it medically possible to put grains of sand in a vagina and make pearls?" - Jasko 1st MRB
  6. We're caught up! Servers are back online.
  7. Sounds like it's a hit and it looks like we have our staff. First issue will be July 1st, 2010. Can't wait!
  8. I am aware of the problem, however it seems only Windows based servers are working whereas Linux servers are still catching up.
  9. Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Counter-Strike: Source Beta have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include: Engine Made several changes that improve stability for clients running low on addressable memory. Changed all HTML controls to use Webkit for the rendering engine. Team Fortress 2 Added Mac support. Overhauled the main menu, and added help to Loadout, Backpack, and Crafting screens. Added Training, with support for General gameplay & Soldier class training for now. Added Offline Practice mode, with support for KOTH maps and Dustbowl. The "Open Character Loadout" key will now go to your future class if youโ€™ve requested a class change, but havenโ€™t respawned yet. Community Requests: Added "mp_forceautoteam", a server convar that forces all joining players to autoteam. Added "mp_stalemate_meleeonly", a server convar that allows melee weapons only during stalemates. Added "ExtinguishPlayer" input to tf_player for map makers. Counter-Strike: Source Beta Fixed "wade" water sound not playing correctly on maps like Chateau. Updated the scoreboard: Fixed to scale correctly in 5:4 resolution. Fixed so it can be closed during intermission Reduced font size to accommodate seeing 16 players per side. Fixed issue that awarded three points and a separate achievement when the bomb explodes after the round ends. Fixed issue with round end panel blocking the view of the game. Fixed issue in which you werenโ€™t given credit for grenade damage if you fired a weapon at someone then hit them with a grenade. Fixed getting the achievement for shooting enemies in mid-air if the enemies were on ladders. Fixed mapcycle.txt skipping over several entries in the list. Fixed console warnings about missing materials. Fixed an issue that could cause a single MVP star to appear as an entry on the scoreboard. Fixed issue that made the FINISHER achievement impossible to get. Fixed ai_test_los crashing the server. Fixed the chat window so it no longer renders over scoreboard. Fixed MVPs not being cleared when sv_nomvp is set to 1. Marked mat_showlowresimage as a cheat command. Updated several strings to be gender neutral. The large radar is now disabled when freeze cam is active. Achievements dialog changes: Now displaying the Steam Achievements dialog instead of the in-game Achievements dialog if screen width is less than 1024. The Achievements dialog is now closed if you have it open and switch to a lower resolution. Repositioned the Fun Fact on the summary tab of the Achievements dialog and gave it a background to fix truncation and readability. Added a priority order for displaying win conditions when multiple win conditions are set. If timelimit exists and is not 0, then show timelimit. If timelimit does not exist, show maxrounds if not 0. If both timelimit and maxrounds are 0, show winlimit. If timelimit, maxrounds, and winlimit are all 0, show nothing.
  10. I'm working on the servers now, I'll let you know when they are updated!
  11. Who do you guys got? I'm taking the defending champs ITALY!!! It's true ask Zahl, he'll agree with me.
  12. Just an FYI this is open to any BAR members and it would be great to have someone from BAR in this project! So any of you Born Among Renegades that wanna jump in on this just let me know.
  13. Collazo is now a back-to-back champion and unit reh-tard!!!
  14. I was thinking if we should have a 1st Marine Raider Battalion Newsletter/Propaganda. It would only be once a month and it will only be possible if there is someone willing to do it. Obviously it would be someone who is familiar with the english language and who can make shit sound like an ice cream sundae. So if there is ANYONE (1st MRB or BAR) who is interested in doing something like this and would like to make a newsletter that will be posted on the main page each month, talk to me. Also, even if you don't think you want to be on the staff but still have some ideas for the newsletter, post 'em here!!! ------------------- Staff: Chief Editor - MSgt. Kyle Gooderham War Correspondents - Sgt. Michael Collins - Cpl. Renee Wells - Pfc. Alex Watkis - Pvt. Stan Ritchey
  15. That was a great game 6, I'm happy for all those Canadian boys on the hawks! Toewes for MVP!!!
  16. Rockstar games, nuf said.
  17. Bud Light Lime. I tried it yesterday and I have to say it wasn't bad, I kinda enjoyed it! It's odd because I normally don't drink American beers due to the fact that I think a lot of them taste like watered down drinks, but Bud Light Lime wasn't bad.
  18. holy shit this topic is old
  19. HOLY FUCK BALLS Happy Birthday buddy, have a good one! P.s. fyc
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