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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Because of this topic I got inspired and made something for myself tonight that was pretty tasty.. 1 part Spiced Rum (I used Sailor Jerry) 1 part Amaretto 1 part Coke and a bit of lemon juice I call it "Eat da Poo Poo" lol jk I didn't name it, but I really enjoyed it!
  2. You should rephrase that like so "Have you ever sucked dick after drinking alcohol?!", Clark will admit that he in fact has!
  3. There was a red and an orange camaro. I will have to agree, the coronet looks mighty fine! And that black mustang is sweet. If I could see the back I could maybe tell you what year it was, Ford is it a 70' mustang?
  4. So thats what GMoney and Englebretson do to each other.......
  5. Back on subject again.... cranberry juice + vodka = a classic. Next time you guys get a bottle service when you go out they usually give you oj, cranberry juice, and sprite to go with the bottle of vodka. Grab that cranberry juice and try it out with the vodka, you'll enjoy it.
  6. Holy fuck Fireball I havent had that in forever, it tastes like liquid cinnamon hearts haha. That was actually the first liquor I ever bought! right now I have: Rum Vodka Whiskey Tequila Amaretto
  7. Happy Birthday, here are some matching twins!
  8. Another fav of mine Get some JD Sour Mash (good stuff) and mix it with apple juice and end it with a bit of lemon (or lime) juice. Awesomesauce in a glass, just sayin! I have plenty more favs like gin and tonic or a godfather, but I'll wait to share them after some more replies!
  9. haha I'll have to try that one!
  10. hey hey hey you have to be Canadian to quote the CPDCCC! hahaha I only play for real money Goodwin.
  11. Back on subject, I have a lot of favorites so here's one more - JD and coke, Classicness!
  12. Oh wow Tang, that brings back memories.
  13. Kool Aid is what I use in my porch crawlers hahaha fun times with those!
  14. I use to play on Full Tilt but I switched to Party Poker. A lot of other guys in the unit have Party Poker if you wanna play a couple tourneys with us that'd be greatnesssomesauce.
  15. lols Another favorite of mine is root beer flavored vodka mixed with coke with a bit of oj and lots of ice. Fucking awesome!
  16. One of my favorites is red wine and sprite! Mmmmmmmm mmmmmm
  17. Tourism add for Ontario, Canada!
  18. I just have a feeling it'll be Celtics in 6
  19. Happy B-day bud, have a good one!
  20. ya I totally bought two of them to greatly expand my vocabulariesnessments
  21. Awe-some-sauce (ah-sum-sah-se) adj. a special cologne; it's called Sex Panther by Odeon; it's illegal in nine countries; it's made with bits of real panther. [From Latin awe, some-, from sauce, to awe; see suace- in Indo-European roots.] This definition has been brought to you by The Canadian Parker's Dictionary of Canada's Canadians of Canada (CPDCCC). Also brought to you in part by PewPew Inc. - life never tasted so pewpewable!
  22. Killing Floor is only on the bottom because its cost is over $10! Its still an awesomesauce game.
  23. Trine Sol Survivor* World of Goo Garry's Mod* Audiosurf Killing Floor* ($13.99) *Multiplayer All of these are good games for under $10. I listed them in order of awesomeness.
  24. Next time use the proper format when posting a ban request (i.e. improper topic title).
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