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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Dinglebretson! Have a fucking good one and drink a shot for me!!!
  2. The server's issues with flashlights have been fixed, so you can now use your flashlight without having to worry about crashing. New addon for admins - Spray tracer. If you see any "unwanted" sprays in the server simply go up the the spray, hit your admin bind, click on server commands and hit spray tracer. It will identify who sprayed it, when they sprayed it and it will give you their steam ID. Enjoy!
  3. Happy Birthday bud, hope you have a good one!
  4. I would get an LCD with 1080p and 240 Hz
  5. Top brands are Samsung, Sony and Sharp. Toshiba uses sony parts which delivers almost the same kind of quality at a better price. There is no real difference between LED and LCD, if you really want to spend the money for depth size get the LED. Basically, if money is no issue then I would go with a 46' Samsung UN46B800. I recently bought a Toshiba 47' zv655u: -LCD HDTV -240 fps -1080p -Dolby Digital Out audio -Dynamic Contrast Ratio 100,000:1 -PixelPure 5G -ClearScan 240
  6. Who is the unit reh-tard?
  7. It's a Canadian thing, you wouldn't understand.
  8. I dunno why but this made me laugh!
  9. Unbanned. Don't let this happen again Smithers.
  10. It looks like a crazy version of the sub-2000
  11. WARNING The hosts are extremely nerdy, viewer discretion is advised. The funny thing about this clip are the people testing it out, 1:48 made me laugh for 5 minutes straight. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
  12. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
  13. "Are you shittin' me Bill?" - Collazo
  14. Best fight of the night was the Championship fight with Machida vs Rua, fucking awesome! Rua owned it with his punches in like 3 minutes. I also watched Belcher get a rear naked choke on Cote. I was disappointed because Cote is my Canadian brother, but hopefully they set up a rematch.
  15. John Malkovich is one of my favorite actors, Megan Fox is one of the hottest actresses and I love westerns so this should be a fucking brilliant movie. Good link.
  16. Russia Coke mascot vs Pepsi mascot
  17. You need to unbind the key first: unbind j Then you can bind a new phrase to that key: bind j "say Want to learn how to use napalm to make a serious BBQ? Enlist at www.1stMarineRaiders.com!" That should fix it.
  18. No one fucks with Mr. Peanut The crew from Rescue me vs. the A-Team
  19. Happy Birthday Spear(s), have a good one!!!
  20. It's a start, although it would have been cool to live on Mars!
  21. Everything is fixed. There are no mods but at least the server doesn't crash anymore. So go pub it up!
  22. "Be right back, I'm gonna go take a piss and do a line of coke" - Costa
  23. Happy Birthday McDowell! Have a good one!!!
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